Goals of Math Instruction Create your own list of goals for teaching special needs students math.
National Initiatives What are the some of the national goals for teaching math to the general student population? What are some of the national goals for teaching math to special needs populations?
Assessment What are some common methods of math assessment? What are some alternative methods to assessing math ability than testing?
Assessment Standardized Measures of General Achievement Standardized Diagnostic Measures of Arithmetic Functioning
Other Formal Diagnostic Techniques Diagnostic Test of Arithmetic Strategies (DTAS) Subtests divided into four parts Brigance Diagnostic Inventories
Curriculum-Based Measures What is typically done in curriculum-based assessment? What are some advantages of curriculum- based approaches?
Informal Diagnostic Techniques What are some informal techniques that you have used? Error Patterns Task Analysis Student Verbalizations
Current Trends Interviews Journal Writing Portfolio Assessment
General Instructional Considerations Relationship of Arithmetic to Mathematics Curricular Considerations Effective Instructional Practices Scheduling Student Motivation Demonstration/Guided Practice/Independent Practice Paradigm Clear Communication Informational Feedback
Concept & Skill Development Compare the didactic and discovery methods. Which do you think is a better approach?
Accommodating Individual Differences & Diversifying Instruction Learning math can be a tedious and repetitive process. What are some ways teachers can accommodate individuals with learning differences and diversify their approach?
Did YOU dislike math? Why do so many kids dislike mathematics?
Approaches to Teaching Math Basal Textbook Approach Comprehensive Math Programs Project MATH Direct Instruction Mathematics
Approaches to Teaching Math Problem-Solving Approaches Cooperative Learning Cognitively Demanding Instructional Approach Remedial Programs Corrective Mathematics Eclectic Orientation
Strategies for Teaching Specific Skills Computational Skills Precomputational Skills Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Research-based practices for teaching computation skills
Applied Math Skills What are some common approaches to these applied skills? Some creative approaches? Measurement Time Money Volume & Weight Linear Measurement
Problem-Solving and Reasoning Skills Decision making Understanding Vocabulary Use of Information Identify Sequences & Patterns to Problems Develop Strategies Research-based Strategies
Life-Skills Math Why should life-skills math be a major focus in special needs education? What are some common life-skills math concepts?
Alternative Delivery Systems Computers Peer Tutors Children’s Literature
ACTIVITIES Use pages to discuss some activities that can realistically be used in special needs education.