N ONROAD S OURCES Melinda Ronca-Battista, ITEP
2 N ONROAD M OBILE S OURCES Any moving, motor-driven thing Trains Tractors Construction equipment ATVs, off-road motorcycles, boats Doesn’t have to be a vehicle Lawn and garden equipment Generators Irrigation pumps
3 N ONROAD M OBILE S OURCES Emissions from these vehicles usually estimated using EPA’s NONROAD model Gives results only on state or county basis Have to modify input files to run for reservation
4 NONROAD MOBILE SOURCES (CONT.) ITEP worked with several tribes and EPA’s OAQPS to find best way for tribes to estimate emissions from non-road sources Developed table of emission factors, based on NONROAD model results Can do calculation on paper or in spreadsheet, then enter results into TEISS
5 W HAT DATA DO YOU NEED TO COLLECT ? Vehicle Types* Population operating on reservation* Average horsepower Average hours each vehicle operates per year *Minimum information you must collect
6 H OW TO DO THE CALCULATIONS ? Can you estimate annual hours of activity? Get emission factors from ITEP for each vehicle type of interest EF population x population = annual emissions EF activity x hours = annual emissions OR Hours of activity gives a better estimate!
7 NONROAD EXAMPLE 1 PollutantEF in tons/ Year/vehicle VehiclesAnnual emissions SO , tons PM , tons THC , tons NOx , tons Survey finds 1,000 2-stroke, off-road motorcycles on your reservation. No info on how many hours per year each operates
8 NONROAD EXAMPLE 2 PollutantEF in tons/ Year/hour Hours of activity Annual emissions SO2Very small104,000Very small PM , tons THC , tons NOx , tons Survey finds 1,000 2-stroke off-road motorcycles on your reservation. Each operates 104 hours per year x 1,000 vehicles = 104,000 hours
9 N ONROAD H ANDS -O N Nonroad calculation exercise handout