Google Earth: Putting the World in your Students’ Hands Pamela Newman Bucks County Intermediate Unit October 2008
Satellite imagery of the Earth that includes layers of information Free download Content partners include Discovery Education, National Geographic, Wikipedia Still pictures Share files Google Earth
Ways to Use Searchable virtual globe of satellite images GIS-like map layers= Transferable skill Touring Combine with video, audio, image content Alternate assessment medium
1.Search panel - Use this to find places and directions and manage search results. Google Earth EC may display additional tabs here. 2.Overview map - Use this for an additional perspective of the Earth. 3.Hide/Show sidebar - Click this to conceal or the display the side bar (Search, Places and Layers panels). 4.Placemark - Click this to add a placemark for a location. 5.Polygon - Click this to add a polygon. 6.Path - Click this to add a path (line or lines). 7.Image Overlay - Click this to add an image overlay on the Earth. 8.Measure - Click this to measure a distance or area size Click this to a view or image. 10.Print - Click this to print the current view of the Earth. 11.Show in Google Maps - Click this to show the current view in Google Maps in your web browser. 12.Sky - Click this to view stars, constellations, galaxies, planets and the Earth's moon. 13.Navigation controls - Use these to tilt, zoom and move around your viewpoint (see below). 14.Layers panel - Use this to display points of interest. 15.Places panel - Use this to locate, save, organize and revisit placemarks. 16.Add Content - Click this to import exciting content from the KML Gallery 17.3D Viewer - View the globe and its terrain in this window. 18.Status bar - View coordinate, elevation and imagery streaming status
Navigation Tools Tilt Zoom In Zoom Out Reorient to North Rotate Move
Sidebar Search Enter a location name Eiffel Tower Niagara Falls Paste coordinates from Wikipedia or another source Blarney Castle, Loch Ness Enter City, Country Petronus Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Places Save your work here Each student can create and save folders Layers Great pre-made resources
Layers Discovery Networks Layer Tours Road Trips Interactive media
Take 5 minutes to explore Google Earth Think of ways you can use it in your classroom
Integration Ideas
Personalizing Media To create a folder: –Right click on My Places –Name the folder
Placemarks Make placemarks be your starting point to link to Discovery articles, videos, pictures and other Internet resources. Add a placemark Customize icon
Add a Description 1.Add an article, Limit your Discoverystrea ming search to “Articles” 2.Copy and paste text 3. creates a line break
Add Images 1.Add an Overlay 2.Limit DiscoveryStre aming search to images 3.Download image 4.Load file
Add Video 1.Find Discovery Streaming video 2.Right click the green play button next to the segment 3.Copy shortcut 4.Paste into description in Google Earth
Create path using Path or Polygon Tool 1.Click each location in order 2.Navigate 3.Close path or polygon box Make a Path or Polygon
Measurement Show Spatial relationships: –Ruler tool –Pointer elevation display –View menu> Scale Legend
Differentiation: HTML Code Code for line break Code to make link attractive Click here for video Code to insert image into a description box 1.Right click the picture in Streaming> Properties 2.Select entire URL and copy
Organize, Save and Share Drag content into a logical sequence in your folder Right click on the folder Save as a KMZ file on a shared server, flash drive, or burn to a CD Google Earth file extensions:.kmz and.kml
Touring Click on folder Use play button Control tours under tools Play repeatedly for Parent Night
Don’t forget Google Sky…
Alternate Assessment A re you starting to see the ways our students can produce work?
Differentiation Gathering information about locations to be marked Using GIS (Geographic Information System)-like layers to find information on map Customizing a map with placemarks Composing and editing text in a word processor before copying it to the map Sequencing a tour’s placemarks and image overlays to play in a logical order
Differentiation by Content –Finding specified facts, e.g. when was this landmark erected vs. finding student’s own facts, e.g. why is this place important and interesting –Open-endedness: find 2 landmarks vs. find as many landmarks as you can in this class period –Difficulty of subject matter: Western European, North American, and East Asian countries have larger high resolution areas and more entries in the layers, compared to Central African and Central American nations. It is easier to locate landmarks in London, England than in Abuja, Nigeria.
Differentiation by Process –Research using library resources organized by the library media specialist. –Use Discovery Streaming videos and Google Earth layers as well as written text. –For a country of origin project, interview relatives. – is written in simple English and is useful for researching very common topics. It features only 25,000 articles vs million articles in English at –Nettrekker DI offers articles organized by reading level. –Put students in groups and try different roles: Internet researcher, Google Earth navigator, video evaluator, image locator.
Differentiation by Product –Tour can feature or omit links, photos, video, text, HTML. –Vary length of tour and/or specificity of placemark location (on landmark vs. on city where landmark is located). –Present tour as an oral report, accompanied by a written summary, or simply as the Google Earth file.
Additional Resources A treasure trove of tips, KMZ files and lesson plans! Google Earth Community message board. Includes a board for educators and one for students. An educator’s site with more KMZ files and ideas. Using Google Earth in Science esp Earth Science Cindy Lane’s wiki with many online GE resources. Videos, images, encyclopedia articles by subscription.
Contact Information Pamela Newman Bucks County Intermediate Unit (215) x1607 PowerPoint will be posted at