There can’t be life without it!
Atomic Number 6 6 Protons 6 electrons 4 valence electrons
Carbon can bond in chains, rings and other bizarre configurations such as Buckeyeballs.
Because of its chemistry, all life as we know it is based upon this element. Carbon must constantly be recycled in ecological systems
Is really several cycles combined together To simplify we can separate into terrestrial (land) and aquatic (water) based cycles
What is the chemical equation for photosynthesis? 6 CO 2 +6H 2 O -- C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 What is the chemical equation for cellular respiration? C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 6 CO 2 +6H 2 O
Plants remove Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the process of respiration puts Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere. Living things that get buried without decomposition can become fossil fuels Land based – coal Ocean based – oil and natural gas
Since 1800 and especially since 1950 World population has soared World resource use has soared
We have intervened in the Earth’s Carbon cycle in two ways that add extra Carbon Dioxide to the atmosphere Clearing plants and trees that absorb CO 2 through photosynthesis Adding large amounts by burning fossil fuels and wood
Carbon Dioxide is one of several “greenhouse” gasses. Models suggest that increases in Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will enhance the natural greenhouse effect