Like a complete sandwich with a top, middle, and bottom, all good writing needs a framework too…that is, a beginning, middle and end. ENDBEGINNINGMIDDLE
The beginning is important because it holds the whole piece together. END Restate part of the question Give a GIST statementGIST BEGINNINGMIDDLE
Provide plentiful evidence, examples, or details Use transition words between ideas or paragraphstransition words BEGINNINGMIDDLEEND SAMPLE MENU “The Southwest Meal” A thick, tender porkloin prepared with a black pepper and garlic salt rub, seared to hold in all the wonderful flavor of the filet and grilled to your specifications - served with a fresh garden salad and your choice of two delicious side dishes: steamed vegetables, French fried potato crisps, homemade coleslaw, or a spicy Cajun stuffed potato. Follow this with a succulent chocolate crème brulee drizzled with warm caramel. The middle of the piece fills a person with all the delicious goodies that satisfy. “The Po’ Boy” – A pork samich with salad and two sides: mixed vegies, fries, coleslaw, or a potata. For deesert is jus brown puddin’.
Refer to the question again Provide your GIST statement againGIST BEGINNINGEND The last part looks a lot like the first and makes the whole piece feel satisfying and complete. MIDDLE
Restate part of the question Give a GIST statement BEGIN IPQA & GIST Provide plentiful examples, evidence, or details Use transition words between ideas or paragraphs MIDDLE MEAT Refer to the question again Provide your GIST statement again ‘ND AGAIN The Answer Sandwich BEGINNINGMIDDLEEND