Student: Candice R. Jones Student ID # A Program: Ph.D. in Education Specialization: Educational Technology Instructor: Amar Almasude, Ph.D. Walden University June 19, 2011
Need Update Equipment Engagement Effectiveness Efficiency
Research Hirox Company Current Studies & Support Brunsell, E., & Horejsi, M. (2010) Dickerson, J., & Kubasko, D. (2007)
Development Zarbeco Handheld Digital Microscope MiScope 40 – 140x Magnificaiton
Commercialization Olympus 2010 partnership Portable Handheld Digital Microscopes
Innovation-Decision Timeline Knowledge Persuasion Decision Implementation Confirmation
Communication Channels Mass Media Interpersonal
No. Sites/No. Cases Years S-Curve of Innovation Television Microscopy/Telepathology
No. Sites/No. Cases Years S-Curve of Innovation Virtual SlideTelepathology
University of Arizona - Ultrarapid Virtual Slide Project Virtual Slide Output/24 Hours
Innovators & Early Adopters Science Teachers Already utilizing technology Eager to bring STEM to the Classroom Hands on Student Centered
Resistance Change Demonstration Ease of Use Exposure
Attributes to Move Forward Relative Advantage Compatibility Complexity Trailability Observability
Critical Mass Achieved in the Scientific Community Achieved in the Medical Community
Centralized Approach Critical Mass Established technology Familiarity with the technology Purchasing power
Change Agents Science Coordinators Role of the Department Chair Positive Social Change Develop the Need for Change Establish Information Exchange Diagnose Problems Create Intent to Change Translate to Action Stabilize Adoption Terminate Relationship
Unlock the Future We CAN Make a Difference STEM Utilizing Current Technologies Research Based Student Centered
References: Brunsell, E., & Horejsi, M. (2010). Probeware: Illuminating the Invisible. Science Teacher, 77(3), 12. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Company profile. (2008). Hirox Worldwide. Retrieved June 30, 2011, from Dickerson, J., & Kubasko, D. (2007). Digital microscopes: Enhancing collaboration and engagement in science classrooms with information technologies. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 7(4). Retrieved from MiScopes. (2007). Zarbeco Portable Digital Imaging Solutions. Retreived June 30, 2011, from Olympus. (2009, June). Retreived June 30, 2011, from Rogers, E. M. (2003). Diffusion of innovations (5th ed.). New York, NY: Free Press. Thornburg, D. D. (1996). Campfires in cyberspace. San Carlos, CA: Starsong Publications. Weinstein, R. (2008, June 8). Risks and Rewards of Pathology Innovation: Billion Dollar Bets. Presented Cap Foundation Conference Series. Retrieved July 12, 2011 from