tompeters ! company 1 Welcome!
tompeters ! company 2 The White Collar Revolution
tompeters ! company 3 The Technology is here!!!!!!! “Information technology is now, but just now, capable of revolutionizing white collar work the same way earlier technologies revolutionized the farm and the factory. Hold on to your hats white collar workers--nothing will ever be the same.”
tompeters ! company 4 The 4th information revolution BCMesopotamia 1300 BCChina 1450 ADGermany
tompeters ! company 5 “There’s going to be a fundamental change in the global economy unlike anything we have had since the cavemen began bartering.” Arnold Baker, Chief Economist, Sandia National Laboratory
tompeters ! company 6 Jeffery Holt
tompeters ! company 7 “We are in a brawl with no rules!” Paul Allaire
tompeters ! company 8 Technical Forces WWW.
tompeters ! company 9 $7.4 trillion by Source: Gardner Group
tompeters ! company pages per second 316,800 Source: Gardner Group
tompeters ! company 11 “ALL OF THESE ‘CONVERSATIONS’ TODAY ABOUT ‘THE WEB’ WILL APPEAR SO BLOODY DAMN SILLY AND PEDESTRIAN TEN … FIVE? … THREE? …YEARS FROM NOW.” — Tom Peters (11-99) P.S.: Read Ray Kurzweil’s The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence
tompeters ! company 12 Technical Forces WWW. White Collar Robots
tompeters ! company 13 White Collar Robots ATM’s AMEX/Delta Tickets to See Tim 1 (800)
tompeters ! company 14 Stock Brokers
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tompeters ! company 16 Banking Industry “Banking is necessary. Banks are not.” Dick Kovacevich, Norwest/ Wells
tompeters ! company 17 Bankers
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tompeters ! company 19 Travel Agents
tompeters ! company 20 Travel Industry 52.2 / 15.5
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tompeters ! company 22 Sales People 18Million 8 Million
tompeters ! company 23 Sales People “We are not seeing the death of sales people, but the death of sales forces.” Neil Racham Huthwait Associates
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tompeters ! company 25 Insurance Agents
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tompeters ! company 27 Purchasing
tompeters ! company 28 Purchasing at Bentonville Facts - 75%/5% Decision - 8 or 100 Policy - No sales people allowed
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tompeters ! company 30 1/100 to 1/500 Human Resource Dept.
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tompeters ! company 32 Training and Development
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tompeters ! company 35 Video Music Libraries Information Distribution
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tompeters ! company 37 “My best guess is that these schools will be about as successful as Digital Equipment was in competition with Dell.” Clayton Christensen Harvard Business School Education
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tompeters ! company 41 Technical Forces WWW. White Collar Robots E R P
tompeters ! company 42 “UPS used to be a trucking company with technology. Now it’s a technology company with trucks.” Forbes (1-00), on UPS’s $11B spent on IS in the 90s; UPS was Forbes’ “Company of the Year”
tompeters ! company 43 Hell-o “How are you?” “Where are you?”
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tompeters ! company 45 Social Forces Dilbert Work/Life Balance Talent Wars
tompeters ! company 46 White-collarRevolution
tompeters ! company 47 E R P WWW. White Collar Revolution Dilbert White Collar Robots Talent Wars Work/Life Balance New Work: Core Model
tompeters ! company 48 White Collar Revolution New Employee New Organization New Work New Work: Core Model
tompeters ! company 49 White Collar Revolution New Employee PSF 1.0 New Work New Work: Core Model
tompeters ! company 50 White Collar Revolution Brand You Professional Brand You Professional PSF 1.0 New Work New Work: Core Model
tompeters ! company 51 White Collar Revolution Brand You Professional PSF 1.0 WOW! Projects WOW! Projects New Work: Core Model
tompeters ! company 52 White Collar Revolution New Employee New Organization New Work New Work: Core Model
tompeters ! company 53 Five Transformations Departments to Professional Services Firms Managers to Leaders at all Levels Customer Service to Customer Experience Work assignments to WOW!Projects Employees to Brand YOU Professionals
tompeters ! company 54 Managers to Leaders
tompeters ! company 55 “What’s in the shortest supply now are great teams led by great leaders.” John Doer, venture capitalist
tompeters ! company 56 “The real test of quality in the early part of the next century is going to be what I call the quality of leadership.” Bob Galvin, Chairperson Executive Committee, Motorola
tompeters ! company 57 Leadership #1 Critical success factor - relationship with subordinates - Center for Creative Leadership 28%, 72%, FastCompany worldwide survey, 1999 Higher degree of management trust = more innovation, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, 1999
tompeters ! company 58 Departments to PSFs
tompeters ! company 59 Dept. Dude: Gets the job “out of the way.” vs. Andersen Dude: Does the job with panache [audit] and looks for opportunities/“problems to solve.”
tompeters ! company 60 Work Worth Paying For
tompeters ! company 61 The Bad News “It is generally much easier to kill an organization than change it substantially.” Kevin Kelly, Out of Control
tompeters ! company 62 Work Assignments to WOW!Projects
tompeters ! company 63 Rule #1: Never accept an assignment as is.
tompeters ! company 64 “Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre successes.” — Phil Daniels, exec., Sydney
tompeters ! company 65 “The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out.” — Dee Hock
tompeters ! company 66 Project Tangibles Objectives Budgets Measurements Timelines
tompeters ! company 67 Project Intangibles Passion Design & Beauty Buzz Personality
tompeters ! company 68 1) Turn ignition key. 2) Shift into drive. 3) Press foot firmly on the throat of mediocrity. Source: Mercedes ad
tompeters ! company 69 Employees to Brand You Professionals
tompeters ! company 70 “If there is nothing very special about your work, no matter how hard you apply yourself, you won’t get noticed and that increasingly means you won’t get paid much either.” — Michael Goldhaber, Wired
tompeters ! company 71 “The fundamental unit of the new economy is not the corporation, but the individual. Tasks aren’t assigned and controlled through a stable chain of command but are carried out autonomously by independent contractors - e-lancers - who join together in fluid and temporary networks to sell goods and services. When the job is done, the network dissolves and its members become independent again, circulating through the economy, seeking the next assignment.” Malone & Laubaucher, The Dawn of the E-Lance Economy
tompeters ! company 72 “Firms will not ‘manage the careers’ of their employees. They will provide opportunities to enable the employee to develop identity and adaptability and thus be in charge of his or her own career.” Tim Hall “The New Protean Career Contract”
tompeters ! company 73 “In the world to come I shall not be asked, ‘Why were you not Moses?’ I’ll be asked, ‘Why were you not Zusya?’ ” Rabbi Zusya
tompeters ! company 74 Is Your Work Worth Paying For? “What do (or could) you deliver that would make it worthwhile to pay you money every month? What can you do that would make them say of your pay, ‘Boy, that’s money well spent! Did that person ever add value to what our customers get for their money!’” William Bridges, Creating You & Co.
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tompeters ! company 76 Customer Service to Customer Experience
tompeters ! company 77 Customer Experience
tompeters ! company 78 What does your company sell?
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tompeters ! company 80 “What we sell is the ability for a 43-year-old accountant to dress in black leather, ride through small towns and have people be afraid of him.” Harley exec, quoted in Results-based Leadership
tompeters ! company 81 What does your company sell?
tompeters ! company 82 Talent Wars
tompeters ! company 83 1,000,000 jobs offshore Fastest growing job category - software engineering 122,000 versus 63,000
tompeters ! company 84 Baby Boomers 77 million Ideal “retirement” age 55 Six months % men, 77% women
tompeters ! company 85
tompeters ! company 86 Generation X 77 / 17 / 60
tompeters ! company 87 Generation Y Wired generation 60 million 47% on the net 42 million computer commands 5 X grasp of financial markets
tompeters ! company 88 Winning the Talent Wars Generation Y, Generation X and Baby Boomers all want to do work that matters.
tompeters ! company 89 Why do you work?
tompeters ! company 90 People they have loved. Great work they have done.
tompeters ! company 91 Talent Wars Silicon Valley Pixo, Inc., wireless phone software applications Trip to Hawaii for new employees First week "on the job" relaxing on the beach in Hawaii, ALL expenses paid
tompeters ! company The Work Matters!
tompeters ! company 93 “Meaning from work comes from doing great work, not from talking about how meaningful work should be.”
tompeters ! company 94 Talent Wars 55% of all job changes 40% of women who start their own businesses Also rans –Minimize risk –Support the boss –Respect the chain of command –Make budget Fortune, “Most Admired Global Companies, 11/98
tompeters ! company 95 Tom Peters War College Leadership WOW! Projects Intelligent Systems PSF Mentality Discover, Design, Explore, Solve
tompeters ! company 96 Acquisition Development Retention
tompeters ! company 97 Acquisition Development Retention Leadership WOW!Projects Intelligent Systems PSF Mentality
tompeters ! company 98 Customer Service to Customer Experience
tompeters ! company 99 Customer Service
tompeters ! company 100 Customer Service On time delivery Failure rate Defects per 1000 Absence of defect or complaint Return Rate Satisfaction
tompeters ! company 101 About Quality “Quality is conformance to requirements, not goodness.” Phil Crosby
tompeters ! company 102 In many industries the correlation between customer satisfaction and repeat business is zero.
tompeters ! company 103 “The Age of the Never Satisfied Customer” Regis McKenna
tompeters ! company 104 Satisfy … Conform to Requirements … Exceed Expectations … Delight! … WOW! … Lust! … ONLY ONES WHO DO WHAT WE DO!
tompeters ! company 105 Commoditized
tompeters ! company 106 Customer Experience
tompeters ! company 107 Experience Evolution Enduring Products Loyal Buyers Single Offerings Meet Expressed Needs Improved Value Info Poor Customers Ephemeral Products Fickle Buyers Mass Customization Meet Unimagined Needs Startling Value Info Rich Customers
tompeters ! company 108 Customer Experience WOW Tingle Bewitch Dazzle Thrill Delight
tompeters ! company 109 Experience Strategies Embedded Intelligence Design User Friendliness Beyond close to symbiosis Delivery and logistics Built in services Entertainment
tompeters ! company 110 “The Ritz Carlton Experience enlivens the senses, instills well being and fulfills even the unexpressed wishes and needs of the guest.” from the Ritz Carlton Credo
tompeters ! company 111 Customer Experience “Most buyers do not have a clue whether anybody else makes a better microprocessor, but ‘Intel Inside’ has become a ‘trust mark’ - a trademark that consumers put their faith in.” The Economist
tompeters ! company 112 “We want to create waves of lust for our product.” Andy Grove (on the Pentium Processor)
tompeters ! company 113 Customer Experience “Branding is not a problem if you have the right mentality. You go to your team and you pin up a $200 Swiss Army Watch. Competing in the ridiculously crowded sub- $200 watch market, they made it into a brand name, named after the most irrelevant and useless thing in history [the Swiss Army]. And you say, ‘Gang, if they can do it, we can do it.’ ” Barry Gibbons, Burger King
tompeters ! company 114 Customer Experience “Cars are not simply to get you from place to place. They ought to be entertainment. We are sort of in the entertainment business.” J Mays, Ford
tompeters ! company 115 Customer Experience “We defined personality as a market niche. We seek to amuse, to surprise, to entertain.” Herb Kelleher, CEO, Southwest Airlines
tompeters ! company 116 Education Entertainment Esthetic P or S #1 P or S #2 P or S #3 Experience Worksheet Escapist
tompeters ! company 117
tompeters ! company 118 Commodity: extract, natural Good: make, standardized Service: deliver, customized Experience: stage, personal Source: The Experience Economy, Joseph Pine & James Gilmore
tompeters ! company 119 Coffee $1.00 per pound 2¢ per cup $.50 to $1.00 per cup $2.00 to $5.00 per cup
tompeters ! company 120 Customer Experience The [Starbucks] Fix Is on … “We have identified a ‘third place.’ And I really believe that sets us apart. The third place is that place that’s not work or home. It’s the place our customers come for refuge.” Nancy Orsolini, District Manager
tompeters ! company 121 Customer Experience LensCrafters Customer Experience Your Ideas
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tompeters ! company 123 “Eye Test”
tompeters ! company 124 T H E W O R K M A T T E R S ! T H E W O R K M A T T E R S ! T H E W O R K M A T T E R S ! T H E W O R K ! !
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tompeters ! company 126 Nancy Mantilla Barajas Prada Riviera Serrano “I don’t arrange flowers. I create art!” “The first thing I do is interview my client. Then I decide to take them on.” “A person who does not have passion is dead and so is their work.”
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tompeters ! company 128 Inventing The New World of Work