Bus Safety
Before you Ride Arrive at the bus stop 5 minutes early. Do not play around. Enter the bus in a single file, smaller children first. Use the handrail.
Riding the bus
Stay Seated (same seat, entire ride) Face forward with back against back of seat, bottom in bottom of seat (“back to back, bottom to bottom”)
Voice Level (1) Talk quietly to person to your left or right (voice level 1) Never use an outside voice Whisper No Yelling
Be Polite Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
Respect Others Use kind words and actions Use polite language (no profanity, inappropriate gestures or threats)
Listen to the driver Cooperate Follow the directions of the driver
Food Keep all food and drinks off the bus (no eating or drinking)
Always keep hands, feet, head and objects inside the bus Stay inside the bus
Show care and respect for the school bus Place litter in the appropriate place. Keep seats free of marks and tears.
Exiting the Bus Use the handrail. Always cross the street in front of the bus. Go straight home.
Remember: Riding the bus is a privilege! Don’t lose it!