Electric Hardware Identification Interactive Quiz Boxes
Can you identify the following hardware? To answer the question, click on the photograph you think is the correct answer. A correct answer will generate an APPLAUSE. An incorrect answer will generate another sound. To see the common names of the Hardware, click anywhere on the background. Then use the “page down” key, “down arrow” key, or another mouse click to move to the next question. Slide 2 of 19
Which of the following is the octagon box? Square box Octagon box Octagon box with clamps Slide 3 of 19
Which of the following is the handy box? Cast aluminum moistureproof box for outdoor use, device Bevel corner switch box with clamps Slide 4 of 19
Which of the following is the conduit switch box? Octagon box with clamps Conduit switch box Nonmetallic device box for wall mounting with ENT conduit Slide 5 of 19
Nonmetallic conduit box, device Octagon box for fan installation Which of the following is the cast aluminum moistureproof box for outdoor use, round? Nonmetallic conduit box, device Octagon box for fan installation Cast aluminum moistureproof box for outdoor use, round Slide 6 of 19
Which of the following is the conduit box, nonmetallic, round? Nonmetallic conduit box, round Cast aluminum moistureproof box for outdoor use, round Nonmetallic device box for wall mounting with ENT conduit Slide 7 of 19
Which of the following is the octagon box for fan installation? Nonmetallic conduit box, round Cast aluminum moistureproof box for outdoor use, round Slide 8 of 19
Which of the following is the square box extension ring? Octagon box for fan installation Cast aluminum moistureproof box for outdoor use, device Slide 9 of 19
Which of the following is the switch box with clamps for NM cable? Octagon box with clamps Octagon box for fan installation Switch box with clamps for NM cable Slide 10 of 19
Which of the following is the conduit box, nonmetallic, device? Switch box with clamps for NM cable Nonmetallic conduit box, device Conduit switch box Slide 11 of 19
Octagon box for fan installation Nonmetallic conduit box, device Which of the following is the cast aluminum moistureproof box for outdoor use, device? Octagon box for fan installation Nonmetallic conduit box, device Cast aluminum moistureproof box for outdoor use, device Slide 12 of 19
Which of the following is the square box? 4”-square box extension ring Square box Nonmetallic device box for wall mounting with ENT conduit Slide 13 of 19
Which of the following is the octagon box with clamps for NM cable? Nonmetallic conduit box, device Octagon box with clamps Cast aluminum moistureproof box for outdoor use, round Slide 14 of 19
Which of the following is the octagon box for fan installation? Nonmetallic conduit box, round Square box Octagon box for fan installation Slide 15 of 19
Which of the following is the bevel corner switch box? Conduit switch box Nonmetallic conduit box, device Bevel corner switch box with clamps Slide 16 of 19
Cast aluminum moistureproof box for outdoor use, round Which of the following is the nonmetallic device box for wall mounting with ENT conduit? Cast aluminum moistureproof box for outdoor use, round Nonmetallic device box for wall mounting with ENT conduit Cast aluminum moistureproof box for outdoor use, device Slide 17 of 19
Which of the following is the octagon box extension ring? 4”-square box extension ring Octagon box for fan installation Slide 18 of 19
The End This material was prepared by Dave Wilson, Information Technology and Communication Services, and reviewed by Dr. Joe Harper, Department of Agricultural Engineering, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Photographs by Cindy Lamb Basham and the author. The illustrated hardware may appear on the identification list of the Illinois Association of Vocational Agriculture Teachers Ag Mechanics Career Development Event. ITCS Instructional Materials 1401 South Maryland Drive Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 244-3906 FAX (217) 333-0005 http://www.aces.uiuc.edu/ITCS/IM Copyright © 2003 by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Quit Click Quit to exit this program ITCS Instructional Materials College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Slide 19 of 19