Grade 1 Summer Math Calendar Directions for Students and Parents: 1. Students will complete a problem for each weekday during the months of July and August. 2. Students will show a parent the completed problem. 3. The parent will make sure that the problem is completed correctly. 4. If the problem is completed correctly, the parent will initial the calendar on the appropriate day. 5. Students should return the calendar when school resumes in August, 2010.
July 1 (2.N.5) Complete the pattern below: 1, 3, 5, 7, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, 19, 21,……… July 2 (2.N.6) Write the value of each coin: =__________ =_________ July 6 (2.N.7) Mary is 7 years older than her sister. If Mary is 15 years old, how old is her sister? Page 1 July 7 (2.N.8) Write a number in the box that will make the number sentence true = 31 July 8 (2.N.10) Write a number in the box that will make the number sentence true = July 9 (2.N.11) Write a number in the box that will make the number sentence true = July 12 (2.P.6) Write either, or = in the box provided to make the number sentence true July 13 (2.P.7) How many nickels can be traded for 1 quarter? _______________ nickels can be traded for 1 quarter.
July 14 (2.G.7) How many pennies are in each column? How many pennies are in each row? There are _______ pennies in each column. There are _______ pennies in each row. July 15 (2.M.2) What time does the clock say? The clock says the time is _______________. Page 2 July 16 (2.D.4) A bag of marbles has 3 red marbles, 4 blue marbles, and 5 green marbles. If you reached in the bag and took out 1 marble, what color marble would you most likely take out? I would most likely take out a ______________ marble. July 19 (2.N.5) Name 5 odd numbers that are greater than 50. _________, _________, _________, _________, _________ July 20 (2.N.6) What is the total value of the coins? $____._____ July 21 (2.N.8) Max has four more pieces of candy than Lana. If Lana has 18 pieces of candy, how many pieces of candy does Max Have? Max has __________ pieces of candy. July 22 (2.N.8) Write the correct symbol in the box to make the number sentence true. 156 = 21 July 23 (2.G.1) How many faces does the cube have? The cube has _________ faces.
July 26 (2.P.6) Write an addition number sentence using. _______ > _______ + _______ Page 3 July 27 (2.N.1) Put the following numbers in order from smallest to largest: 3, 98, 45, 54, 17, 53 ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______ July 28 (2.N.3) Circle of the group of turtlesJuly 29 (2.N.4) Which of the following number sentences is true: please circle your answer(s). 7 > 8 8 > 7 7 = 8 July 30 (2.N.8) Complete the number sentence. = August 2 (2.N.8) Tia had 11 stamps. She found 8 more stamps. How many stamps does Tia now have? Tia has _________ stamps. August 3 (2.P.4) Fill in the missing numbers in the number pattern below: 9, 19, _____, 39, 49, _____, 69, _____, _____, 99 Keep up the good work!
August 4 (2.N.1) Write the numbers in order from least to greatest 17, 18, 13, 11, 15, 12, 19, 10, 14, 20, 16 10, 11, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, 20 August 5 (2.N.2) Complete the pattern. first, second, __________________, fourth, fifth, ________________, seventh, ________________ August 6(2.N.5) Circle all of the even numbers Page 4 August 9 (2.N.5) Complete the pattern. 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, 34 August 11 (2.N.6) How many cents are shown? ______________cents August 12 (2.N.6) Draw a set of coins that is worth $1.August 13 (2.N.7) Paul saved $ Kevin saved $ How much more money would Paul need to save to have the same amount of money as Kevin? $ ____________.00 August 10 (2.G.1) How many sides and corners does the shape below have? The shape has _______ sides. The shape has _______ corners.
August 16 (2.N.7) Tom had 22 footballs. He gave 7 footballs to Randy. How many footballs did Tom have left? _______________________________________footballs August 17 (2.P.1) Continue the pattern. P A T S P A T S P A T S P A ____, ____, _____, _____, _____, _____ August 18 (2.P.5) Write the number in the rectangle that will make the number sentence true = 19 August 19 (2.P.5) Write the number in the rectangle that will make the number sentence true = 12 August 20 (2.P.7) 10 dimes = 1 dollar. How many dimes can be traded for three dollars? Try drawing a picture to help you. dimes August 23 (2.G.1) How many sides do the following shapes have? sides sides sides August 24 (2.G.2) Draw the following shapes in the space provided. triangle square trapezoid Page 5
August 25 (2.M.1) Complete the pattern. January, February, March, ______________, ________________, June, July, ___________________, September August 26 (2.M.1) Complete the pattern. Sunday, Monday, _______________________, Wednesday, ____________________, _______________, Saturday Page 6 August 27 (2.M.2) Draw an analog clock that shows 6:00 (6 o’clock). Great work!