Adding an event to the Community Calendar
Only group admins can add events to the calendar
You can also add events through you groups’ page
This is the ‘add event’ form
All fields with stars must be completed
Make sure you select who you want to share the event with
Here are some hints to help you decide
The Travel Plan forms and Trip Waivers are located online. Please share the Trip Waiver link with all trip participants so they can complete the form.
If you have not already notified the Director of Student Activities about your outside performer, she will be in contact with you to ensure all necessary forms are completed.
If you are hosting an event in the Ratt and are interested in serving alcohol, the Director of Student Activities will send you the required forms.
These options are hyperlinked to take you directly to the forms
From your group’s site you can see the events you have or will host
There will be a small delay in getting events on the calendar.
Events can be found in the queued section until they are added to the calendar.
Questions? For any questions regarding Community, or if you would like to schedule a personal training contact Tera Kringle, Director of Student Activities x4334