Beyond Prepayment Smart Meters for Evolving Networks Roland Hill Chief Engineer MSc Eng, FSAIEE 17 October 2006
Redress the imbalances of the past Maintain continuity of services to all Focus on needs of 40% living in poverty Shift away from bureaucratic systems Search for ways to put the public first Better, faster and more responsive to needs Batho Pele – putting People first The Service Delivery Challenge includes welfare, equity and efficiency 1 of 10
1940’s – ShowingStore owner exhibits goods at shop 1950’s – TellingTravelling salesmen describe features 1960’s – SellingMarketing emphasis benefits of service 1970’s – ChoiceCustomer selects from diverse options 1980’s – NowCustomer selects quickest respondent 1990’s – “I”Customer imposes personal preferences 2000’s – ValueCustomer purchases best value (cost?) o2010’s – SavingCustomer reduces use by conservation o2020’s – ControlCustomer expects service integration o2030’s – MorphCo-generation and adaptive infrastructure Escalating Service Expectations New assets provide services for 3 decades 2 of 10
Prepayment – IEC xx (TC13 WG15) CRP evolves into VTC port Auto Meter Reading – IEC xx (TC13 WG14) FLAG evolves into DLMS technologies Demand Side Mng – IEC xx (TC13 WG11) Ripple control evolves into ??? oAuto Meter Mng – IEC x (TC57 WG14) MDL evolves into CIM Service Convergence ignites Innovation System Integration and Security are key 3 of 10
Conventionalonline billing Prepaymentonline vending Indigentoffline social grants Repaymentarrear collections Time based tariffdeemed profiles Real time pricedpost processed Demand limitedutility vs consumer imposed Multi-service Meters for Consumer Choice Adaptable for on grid, renewable & off grid 4 of 10
Main isolatorInstallation safety Over currentInstallation safety Fault currentInstallation safety Earth leakageConsumer safety Lost neutralConsumer safety Raised neutralConsumer safety Over temperatureConsumer safety oOver voltageAppliance protection oUnder voltageAppliance protection oLightning surgeAppliance protection Multi-function Meters for Quality of Service Disadvantaged need Appliance Protection 5 of 10
Tamper switchfails when supply down Imbalance detectgood for BS meters oBypass detectorcan’t tell if load switch fused oZero current det.can’t tell if switch jammed oDC current det.can’t tell if non linear load Improved Revenue Assurance capabilities Capacity Restriction instead of disconnect Site Audits instead of AMR & tamper detect 6 of 10
People centric, user friendly product Multi-service capability for consumer choice Multi-function capabilities for quality of service Advanced revenue assurance features Energy efficiency expansion options Data simplicity, integrity and accessability Logistic simplicity and lower operating cost Summary of Smart Meter capabilities Seamless integration & global Economics 7 of 10
SANS Ed5local SA requirements SANS npmounting and enclosures IEC cdimproved serial interface IEC cdvdependability testing IEC cdvdata elements & modelling STS wg3tou tariffs and water req’s STS wg4governance and IP policies STS wg6universal meter numbering STS wg7compliance testing method Active Standardisation Activities 8 of 10
SANS npoutdoor & poletop meter req’s STS wg5 npglobal key mng infrastructure STS npsupply group code restoration STS npfield support short codes STS npservice mode selection method NRS 086 npconsumer activated DSM NRS npimproved meter sealing methods Pending Standardisation Activities Appoint & Mentor standardisation experts 9 of 10
Conclusions Service expectations are continually increasing Smart meters must provide services of+for next 3 decades Seamless integration and standardization are essential Universal systems instead of ad-hoc pilots (IEC, ISO, ITU) Fragmented islands encourage exploitation NRS, SANS and SANC Investment in standardization experts will be far less than the challenge of patching together diverse legacies