Menu Planning & Ordering
Overview This tutorial will cover the step by step process for: – Menu planning – Ordering by menu plan – Ordering by order group By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to: – Enter serving projections – Order by menu plan – View submitted orders – Edit orders
Let’s Begin
Ordering Calendars
Login into WebSMARTT Use your unique user ID and password to login
Home Page When logging into WebSMARTT you arrive on your home page
Menu Planning & Production tab To begin click the Menu Planning & Production tab
Menu Planning & Production
View Menu Plans Click View Menu Plan to search for menus and enter projections
Select the Menu Plan Date Range Click on the calendar icons.
Start & End Date Click on the start date and end date.
Find Menu Plan Click the Search button.
Available Menus Menus for the selected date range are displayed.
Status The Status column indicates the steps that are incomplete or completed for each menu selected.
Status Created indicates a menu ready for entering serving projections
Status Planning indicates a menu that has serving projections entered but is still incomplete
Status Planning Complete indicates a menu that is ready for ordering
Edit Menus To enter serving projections click the Edit button for a menu
Entering Serving Projections
Adding Feeding Projections Enter your serving projections for a given menu.
Meal Quantity Enter projections for each item under Meal Qty.
Lunch Fruit and Veg Projections Make sure that you plan for exactly the number of students you have projected *You have projected 110 total students
A La Carte Quantity A La Carte Qty is not used
Save your Work After entering projections; click the Save Button.
Click Planning Complete After saving; click the Planning Complete button.
Planning Complete Notice the change in status. The tab has changed to Generating Orders
Enter Projections for all Menus Follow the “Cookie Crumbs” to enter projections for other menus Click Menu Plan Find to view your menus for the selected date range.
Back to Edit Menus Notice the change in Status from Created to Planning Complete.
Enter Projections for Other Menus Click the Edit button to enter projections, save and click planning complete for remaining menus
Menus Status Before ordering, the Status must be Planning Complete
Redo Planning If you need to make adjustments to projections, click the Redo Planning button.
Inactive Feature Click the Inactive box if a menu will not be used. For example; not serving breakfast on a 2 hour late opening or no supper service.
Inactive Feature Check the Inactive box and click the Save button
Let’s move to Ordering
Generating Orders You have finished planning Click the Generate Orders button
List Menu Plans Select the Thru Date
Thru Date Select your desired Thru Date.
List Menu Plans Click the List Menu Plans button to view menus eligible for ordering.
Available Menu Plans Displays a list of available menu plans for the selected date range Orders can only be placed for menus with status of Planning Complete.
Incomplete Menus Menus highlighted in pink must be completed before ordering.
Generate Orders Once all menus have been completed, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page click the Generate Orders button.
Generating Orders Your orders are being generated. Do Not Touch Anything
Generating Orders Completed After your orders are generated, the Generate Orders button is gray and the Menu Plan Status changes.
Ordering To begin, click the Ordering Tab
Viewing Saved Orders Choose View Saved Orders from the drop-down menu.
Multiple Action Check all the boxes under Multiple Action.
Submit Orders Click the Submit Orders button.
Multiple Action If the multiple action button fails to submit an order, click edit on the order and then click the submit button. You will need to do this for all orders that need to be submitted.
Viewing Submitted Orders
Editing Orders Click the Edit button to begin editing your orders
Editing Orders Edit Order Qty, adjusting for on-hand items.
Editing your Orders Make sure to “Zero Out” ingredients if you have enough on-hand.
Saving your Order After you edit your order; click the Save button.
Supply Orders and Alpenrose Orders
Supply Orders Under ordering tab Choose Order By Order Group
Ordering By Order Group Make sure your need date matches your ordering calendar Choose the correct group Click Generate
Items for that group will generate Add quantities next to items needed
Don’t forget to Save and Submit Always review order for correct quantities Save order Hit the Submit Button
Supply Orders Repeat the Order by Order Group steps for other categories needed – Spices and Condiments – Disposables – First Aid and Office Supplies – Etc. Remember to make sure that you use the same need date as before
Alpenrose Orders Under ordering tab Choose Order By Order Group
Alpenrose Orders Choose the correct group Make sure that your date matches today’s date. Click Generate
Items for that group will generate Add quantities received according to yellow invoice
Don’t forget to Save and Submit Always review order for correct quantities Save order Hit the Submit Button
Alpenrose Orders Go into your ordering Tab Choose Alpenrose order Click edit Review order to check quantities Receive order