Man’s Search For Meaning By: Brooks Turnipseed
By: Viktor E. Frankl He was born March 26, 1905, and died September 2, 1997 at the age of 92 due to heart failure. Other works by Frankl include: On the Theory and Therapy of Mental Disorders, Psychotherapy and Existentialism, and The Will to Meaning; Foundations and Applications of Logotherapy.
Protagonist Dr. Viktor Frankl is the main character who is trying to survive the German concentration camps after he and his family are captured.
Antagonist The S.S. as a whole is the antagonist of this book because they imprison Viktor and his family, and murder people that have to do with him.
Favorite Character Viktor Frankl because he is put in a bad situation and stays positive the whole time. He never feels bad for himself and always keeps his head up and doesn’t think about all the bad things going on around him.
Least Favorite Character My least favorites were the Germans because of they tortured and killed millions of Jews without any remorse for them, and they thought they were doing the world good.
Exposition When Frankl is first captured, it is intriguing because you don’t know what’s going to happen next, and you don’t want to put the book down.
Rising Action When Frankl is separated from his family he has to survive without them not knowing what had happened to them or what will happen to him.
Climax When the war is over and Frankl finally is released from the camp he is able to try and go back and live a normal life.
Falling Action The years following his release, he has to deal with getting used to the real world that he hadn’t seen for such a long time.
Resolution When he ends up becoming a world renowned author of books that help people that are in the same situation that he was.
Setting It’s important because it is the Holocaust. The place is important because it is in Germany and has to do with Hitler.
Theme Devastation- millions of people were killed. Hardship- losing family and friends and living in fear 24/7.
Book Rating I rated the book an 8 because I like true stories and this one had a lot of good perspective.
Social Issue My social issue is racial discrimination and how it effects the world around us.
Still an Issue Although a lot of people don’t see it, racial discrimination is still a really big part of our lives. It isn’t something that just goes away with slavery being abolished, or when a black president is elected to office, or for any other reason.
A Few Statistics Racial discrimination charges increased 484 percent from the 80’s to the 90’s. In 2000, hate groups jumped 10 percent. There were 645 bias incidents between September 11, 2001 and September 17, These incidents ranged in severity from racist jokes to assault, arson, and shootings. The victims were often Americans of South Asian or Middle Eastern heritage.
Poem Everyday people are punished for the color of their skin. You see, in my opinion, discrimination is a sin. I see people being judged by the color of their faces. It's a pity that we categorize others by their races. White isn't right. Black isn't best. Neither is Hispanic, or Asian, or any of the rest. What matters isn't your skin. It's the role in life you play, because everyone is different in their own unique way. By: kawaii160
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