MULTI-MOBILE AGENT MULTI-ROBOT SYSTEM Mobile Agent Cloning for Servicing Networked Robots 2 STIGMERGICALLY CONTROLLING A POPULATION OF HETEROGENEOUS MOBILE AGENTS USING CLONING RESOURCE 4 ROBOTICS LABORATORY Department of Computer Science and Engineering INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GUWAHATI ROBOT IN A TRAP TYPE 2 ROBOT MOBILE AGENTS WITH INTELLIGENCE Agent Migration TYPE 2 ROBOT TYPE 1 ROBOT TYPE 1 AGENT NODE 2 NODE 1 NODE 3 NODE 4 TYPE 2 AGENT TYPE 1 ROBOT TYPE 1 AGENT ANTIGEN PARATOPE EPITOPE ANTIBODY VARIABLE REGION (RULES) CONSTANT REGION (DESIGNATES THE TYPE OF THE AGENT/ROBOT) ACTION TO BE PERFORMED BY THE ROBOT BATTERY SENSOR 1 LEFT LIGHT SENSOR 1 RIGHT LIGHT SENSOR 1 ACTION 1 BATTERY SENSOR LEFT LIGHT SENSOR RIGHT LIGHT SENSOR STATIC AND MOBILE AGENTS MOBILE ROBOT Mobile Agent Framework on a Mobile Robot 1 Artificial Immune System Based Learning Mechanism 3 TASK DISCOVERY ROBOT CONTROLLER TASK ALLOCATOR TASK EXECUTOR Request Generation Pheromoning Cloning Pheromones diffused up to two hop neighbors RRS: Robot Requesting Service Mobile Agent as an Antibody 1 W. W. Godfrey. and Shivashankar B. Nair, "A Pheromone based Mobile Agent Migration Strategy for Servicing Networked Robots", Proceedings of the 5th International ICST Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems (BIONETICS 2010), December 1-4th, Boston, USA. 2 W. W. Godfrey. and Shivashankar B. Nair, "Mobile Agent Cloning for Servicing Networked Robots", Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA 2010), November 12-15th,2010, Kolkata, India. 3 W. W. Godfrey. and Shivashankar B. Nair, "An Immune System based Multi-Robot Mobile Agent Network", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg ISSN ,Volume 5132/2008, pp , The 7th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems (ICARIS 2008), August 10-13th, 2008, Phuket, Thailand. 5 W.W. Godfrey, Shashi Shekhar Jha and Shivashankar B. Nair, “On A Mobile Agent Framework for an Internet of Things”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication System and Technologies, CSNT 2013, Gwalior, India, Published in IEEE Xplore, pp DOI: /CSNT Mobile agents carry services (code, rules, etc.) as their payload and populate a robotic network. They either migrate conscientiously or track pheromones diffused by robots wanting a service. Parent Mobile Agent Clone Mobile Agent Requested Service with RRS Id Id Architecture of the Cloning Controller The Cloning Control Mechanism Simulation Result Emulation Result 4 W. W. Godfrey, Shashi Shekhar Jha and Shivashankar B. Nair, On Stigmergically Controlling a Population of Heterogeneous Mobile Agents Using Cloning Resource, Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence, Springer. (Accepted) Operations occurring at every step at each node: AtNodeQueue 1.If an Agent is at the top of the Intra-node Queue a.CloneifNecessary() b.Compute “NextNode” using Pheromone- Conscientious Algorithm c.Check if movement to the next node is possible. If true goto (d) else goto (3) d.Execute OnDeparture() Method 2.If an Agent is permitted into the Intra-Node Queue a.Execute OnArrival() Method 3.Decrement the Life-time of every agent in the Queue OnArrival() 1.Execute the service if this is the RRS that requested for its service. If true goto (2) else goto (3) 2.Change the Cloning Resource and the Life-time based on rewards 3.Enter into the Intra-Node Queue of the entering Node OnDeparture() 1.Remove from the Intra-Node Queue of the existing Node CloneifNecessary() 1.Find Resource needed for cloning 2.Find the Number of Clones 3.Decrement the Resource based on the Number of clones 4.Create Clones 5.Recharge the Cloning Resource Mobile Agent based Systems (Artificial Being) A MOBILE AGENT FRAMEWORK FOR AN INTERNET OF THINGS 5 Architectures of mobile agent based devices that can populate the Internet of Things Components of the off-board Mobile Agent Framework (MAF) Components of the on-board Mobile Agent Framework (MAF) Functions: Support Migration and Execution of Mobile Agents Maintain neighbour list The envisaged Internet of Things The air-conditioner, vacuum-cleaner and the robot use the MAFs running on dedicated nodes while the printer and web- cam have the same embedded within themselves. Types of Mobile Agents in the Internet of Things 1.SfR (Search for Resource) Agents: These mobile agents are capable of finding a resource in the network as per the specifications of the task to be performed. 2.PaS (Provide a Service) Agents: These mobile agents carry the source code (service) for a task as its payload. Proof-of-Concept Experiment