Negative Acceleration: Braking Your Automobile
Date: Sept 19, 2011 HW:PTG pg. 88, #1-4, Due Fri Do Now (NB pg ?): WDYS WDYT TB pg. 75 Read Investigate #1-4 TB pg Agenda: Do Now Objective & Success Criteria Investigate Physics Talk Quiz 1.5 PTG Learning Objective: Understand how negative acceleration relates to braking and stopping distance Success Criteria: Plan and carry out an experiment to relate braking distance to initial speed Determine braking distance Examine accelerated motion
Investigate: Complete #1-3 with your group Check procedures with Mr. Spencer Create data table Check with Mr. Spencer Complete #4
Sept 20, 2011 HW:PTG pg. 88, #1-4, Due Fri Finish procedures and data table Set up and collect data Remember you are measuring the SPEED at the bottom of the ramp and BRAKING distance in METERS! Analyze Data Average speed AND distance for EACH height
September 21, 2011 HW:PTG pg. 88, #1-4, Due Fri Do Now: Find Averages Complete #5 a,b on pg. 77 One group member draw your graph on the board Complete #5c-e Agenda: Do Now Investigate 5-8 Physics Talk Checking up Quiz Learning Objective: Understand how negative acceleration relates to braking and stopping distance Success Criteria: Plan and carry out an experiment to relate braking distance to initial speed Determine braking distance Examine accelerated motion
Investigate #5-8 As a class
Physics Talk What is negative acceleration? Draw an example of negative acceleration Change in velocity with respect to time by decreasing speed in the positive direction or increasing speed in the negative direction
Physics Talk How do you calculate braking distance? V i 2 =-2ad vi2vi2 -2a d
Checking up pg. 82, #1-3
September 23, 2011 HW: None Do Now: Get out 1.5 PTG #1-4 Discuss answers with your group Agenda: 1.5 PTG #1-4 1.5 Quiz Computer Set up (p4) Chapter Challenge Rubric Chapter Challenge Work Day Learning Objective: Understand how negative acceleration relates to braking and stopping distance Success Criteria Calculate negative acceleration and braking distance Work on Chapter Challenge
1.5 Quiz