Renaissance Art Italian and Northern Renaissance Art
Transition from Byzantine to Renaissance Old Man-Jesus. Sortof Man-Jesus. Baby-Jesus.
Architecture of the Quattrocento Brunelleschi’s Duomo in Florence Built between Utilized principles of Classical architecture Solved the issue of Florence’s wounded pride
San Lorenzo - Brunelleschi Reflects a return to Classical columns Corinthian columns Commissioned by the Medici
Sculpture of the Quattrocento Baptistery Doors Competition Panels – Ghiberti and Brunelleschi (1402-3)
Lorenzo Ghiberti’s Scultpure
Quattrocento Painting Masaccio painted much more lifelike figures Also, he included very human expressions GET OUT! Bummer. Stupid stupid stupid…
Quattrocento Painting Fra Filippo Lippi’s Madonna and Child (1455) and Fra Angelico’s Annunciation (1445) Yo…you’re knocked up… oh, and God’s the baby daddy. WT*?
Later Quattrocento Sculpture Donatello’s David ( ) Natural portrayal of youth Contrapposto classical stance Provocative feather on boy-thigh. Oh so naughty!
Late Quattrocento Painting Sandro Botticelli’s Venus and Mars (1483) Pagan themes more common Power of love defeats the warrior Most likely commissioned for a wedding I’m le tired
And more Botticelli! Birth of Venus ( ) Merger of Classical and Christian themes And from the severed gonads of Uranus, I bring you…Venus!
High Renaissance Art Leonardo, the consumate L’uomo Universale Painter, sculptor, scientist, engineer, etc. In touch with, but very detached from humanity “sacks for food”/”fillers up of privies” Perfect triangular composition - science and painting?
Leonardo’s Masterpiece Judas betrayal Composition – 3’s Look dudes…all I have to give you to eat is my body and blood…take it or leave it. I thought I saw a White Castle back there…Anyone? What? No cocktail weenies? I’ll take mine with some fava beans and a nice chianti.
Michelangelo Truly suggests a divine aspect of man Glorifies human form I’m not touching youuuuuuuuuu!
More Michelangelo Glorifies human form Idea of small overcoming large Power of the Florentine Republic as the underdog Reallybighands.
Jan Van Eyck Adoration of the Mystic Lamb (Ghent)
Albrecht Durer
Bruegel’s Fight Between Carnival and Lent (1559)