The key to comfort and reduced fuel use for all heating systems
2December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, 20152
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4 4 Fixed temperature boiler control
5December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, 20155
6 6 High boiler output is only required on a few coldest days of the heating season. Most days even comfort could be provided with reduced energy expense.
7 Why are these high temps$ The fellow who set the boiler at service time, did not want a “low heat call” on the coldest day of the year. Folks did not have a way of regulating boiler temperatures. Who cares what you spend, or how much you waste to the atmosphere???? Folks never complain if they are too warm.
8 Hey Folks At Exquisite Heat we believe your heating system should be comfortable first. We believe you deserve good comfort at least energy expense.
9 Hey Folks !!!!! Can you see the problem here? ANYONE ?? We are talking about 90% of buildings in the world.
10 December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Daily Heating Needs
11 December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Fixed temperature boiler control
12 December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3,
13 Symptoms Uneven comfort ( too warm-too cool) Windows open - energy escape Folks complain about comfort Low humidity and dry skin We raise the heat to warm cool spaces. Excessive run times for boiler Basement too hot- waste of energy High Fuel bills WHY?
14December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3,
15December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3,
16 December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Fixed temperature boiler control
17 December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3,
18 For every 2 degrees we reduce boiler temperatures = 1 % savings on your gas or oil bill. $$$
19 Desired Solutions Even out the comfort in all rooms Shut the windows in overheated rooms Keep complaints down Higher humidity levels, less dry skin Set the Thermostat lower for all rooms Reduced running of the boiler, saves fuel Get the heat out of the basement, and into the rooms… Let’s lower those fuel bills $$$
20 WASTED $$$$$ If your too hot or too cold, aren’t you wasting the $ money $ you are already spending on Fuel for heating ?????
21 December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, The Main Goal Precise comfort replacement for building heat loss. Precise comfort replacement for building heat loss.
22 December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Daily Heating Needs
23December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Energy act 2007 Manufacturers of hot water boilers must provide a means to adjust boiler output to actual heat load by Manufacturers of hot water boilers must provide a means to adjust boiler output to actual heat load by Exquisite Heat is the ideal indoor reset solution. Exquisite Heat is the ideal indoor reset solution.
24 That’s fine if your buying a new boiler. What about the rest of us? Can we do anything to improve economy and comfort with our current boiler? Sure Install Exquisite Heat to all boilers.
25 December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Exquisite Heat Adjusts heating supply temperatures according to Thermostat demand history (over time). Adjusts heating supply temperatures according to Thermostat demand history (over time).
26December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Even Comfort Precise heating plant energy use allows for even comfort to everyone in the space. Precise heating plant energy use allows for even comfort to everyone in the space.
27 December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3,
28December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Temperature vs. Thermostat The lower the radiator temperature the longer it will take the thermostat to sense the change. The lower the radiator temperature the longer it will take the thermostat to sense the change.
29December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3,
30 December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Daily Heating Needs
31December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3,
32December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3,
33December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, What happened? A new heating philosophy for even comfort. A new heating philosophy for even comfort. To satisfy Ideal Comfort Delivery during changing building heat loss conditions To satisfy Ideal Comfort Delivery during changing building heat loss conditions Boiler supply is adjusted precisely every minute of the hour. Boiler supply is adjusted precisely every minute of the hour. Reduced energy use provides a before tax $ return to the owner. Reduced energy use provides a before tax $ return to the owner.
34December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Efficiency Reduced boiler & piping standby heat loss for Hot water and Steam boilers. Reduced boiler & piping standby heat loss for Hot water and Steam boilers. Cooler boiler operation Cooler boiler operation Better air circulation at baseboard and radiators that are heated evenly. Better air circulation at baseboard and radiators that are heated evenly. Precise soft Comfort in all areas of the building. Precise soft Comfort in all areas of the building.
35 We believe Exquisite Heat is the most precise technology for reducing energy use, while improving occupant comfort in homes and buildings December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3,
36 December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Thermostat activity is the accurate means for detecting heat loss and comfort needs. Precise adjustment of hot air, steam or hot water supply provides ideal comfort for all heating systems.
37 Outdoor Reset Control Most Apt. buildings have some kind of outdoor reset Inaccurate: weather, location, adjustment, No measure of indoor comfort. Most are misaligned with the building. Difficult to regulate. Poorly installed.
38December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Outdoor reset control Time lag from temp change to interior heat loss Time lag from temp change to interior heat loss Sensor is subject to wet, wind, placement. Sensor is subject to wet, wind, placement. Fixed curve assumption unrelated to building. Fixed curve assumption unrelated to building. Buildings react to a combination of heat loss factors: sunlight, wind, windows, insulation, structure, occupancy & thermostat setting. Buildings react to a combination of heat loss factors: sunlight, wind, windows, insulation, structure, occupancy & thermostat setting. Over and Under heating. Over and Under heating.
39December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3,
40 Exqheat Indoor Reste control Comfort based room indoor sensor Adjustable from central indoor thermostat. Takes the indoor data and interprets it in to High limit temperature for hot water boilers Burner fire time for steam boilers. Takes all environmental effects into immediate consideration at the thermostat, and adjusts heating supply to all rooms evenly.
41 All Heating Systems Hydronic Radiant, Decentralized Steam Hydronic Radiant, Decentralized Steam Hot Air Systems, Humidification, Hot Air Systems, Humidification, Refrigeration, Steam Zone Valves, Refrigeration, Steam Zone Valves, Steam to Hydronic Heat Exchangers, Geo- Thermal Systems, Solar Hydronic Hybrid Heat, Steam to Hydronic Heat Exchangers, Geo- Thermal Systems, Solar Hydronic Hybrid Heat, Fresh Air IAQ, Process Control, Navigation, Fresh Air IAQ, Process Control, Navigation, December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3,
42December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Thank you !! “Exquisite Heat” reg. trademark “Exquisite Heat” reg. trademark Rev US Patent 6,402,043 10/18/01
43December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3,
44December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3,
45December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, How Does It Work? Would you like to go into the technical side of all this??? Would you like to go into the technical side of all this???
46December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Assumption 1 Increased circulation delivers even comfort. Increased circulation delivers even comfort.
47December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Assumption 2. The closer the supply temperature is to the room temperature, the more fuel efficient the system. The closer the supply temperature is to the room temperature, the more fuel efficient the system.
48December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3,
49December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3,
50December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Thermostat The thermostat takes all heat loss and heat gain into consideration. The thermostat takes all heat loss and heat gain into consideration. The customer can adjust thermostat for personal comfort. The customer can adjust thermostat for personal comfort. Thermostat activity can be used to adjust boiler, HVAC output to satisfy the space with ideal circulation. Thermostat activity can be used to adjust boiler, HVAC output to satisfy the space with ideal circulation. The thermostat and energy source interact for comfort and efficiency. The thermostat and energy source interact for comfort and efficiency.
51December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Constant Ideal Thermostat Demand Ratio gives us a constant for comparison and adjustment. Ideal Thermostat Demand Ratio gives us a constant for comparison and adjustment.
52December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Actual Thermostat Demand Ratio The actual proportion of time a thermostat “calls” for comfortable heat in a given period of time. (60 minutes) The actual proportion of time a thermostat “calls” for comfortable heat in a given period of time. (60 minutes) ADR ADR
53December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3,
54December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Actual Demand Ratio Control takes thermostat on/off status reading every second. Control takes thermostat on/off status reading every second. 60 samples/minute x 60minutes = 60 samples/minute x 60minutes = 3600 samples per hour samples per hour. If thermostat is on for 2520 times/3600 samples, the actual demand ratio = If thermostat is on for 2520 times/3600 samples, the actual demand ratio = 2520/3600 =.70 = 70% 2520/3600 =.70 = 70%
55December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, What information do we need? Previous hour adjusted High Limit Temperature = 150 degrees F Previous hour adjusted High Limit Temperature = 150 degrees F = Actual Demand Ratio. = Actual Demand Ratio. Period of analysis = 60 minutes (5- 90 min) Period of analysis = 60 minutes (5- 90 min)
Temperature change factor + Ideal demand ratio =.70 Actual demand ratio =.75 Actual demand ratio =.75 ((ADR-IDR) x10) = TCF ((ADR-IDR) x10) = TCF ratio difference = = +.05 ratio difference = = +.05 Temperature Change Factor +.05 x 10= +.5 Temperature Change Factor +.05 x 10= +.5 Temperature change factor = +.5 Temperature change factor = +.5
57December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Temperature Change Increment Temp change increment is an arbitrary factor we use to determine the degree of response we want to make in the adjustment with the temperature change factor. Temp change increment is an arbitrary factor we use to determine the degree of response we want to make in the adjustment with the temperature change factor. 1 F x.5 = +.5 F 1 F x.5 = +.5 F 2 F x.5 = +1 F 2 F x.5 = +1 F 3 F x.5 = +1.5 F 3 F x.5 = +1.5 F
58December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, New High Limit Temp calculation Current High Temp Limit = 150 F Current High Temp Limit = 150 F (( ) x 10)= +.5 x 3 F = +1.5F (( ) x 10)= +.5 x 3 F = +1.5F 150 deg F + 1.5F = F 150 deg F + 1.5F = F New High Temp Limit (Higher) New High Temp Limit (Higher)
59December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Limit Settings 150 F + 1.5F = New High Temp Limit (Higher) = F 150 F + 1.5F = New High Temp Limit (Higher) = F Differential of 10 F Differential of 10 F High Limit 151.5F High Limit 151.5F Low limit of F Low limit of F
Temperature change factor - Temp. Change factor = (( ) x10)= -1.5 Temp. Change factor = (( ) x10)= -1.5 Temp Change increment = 3 degrees F Temp Change increment = 3 degrees F Current High Temp Limit = HT= 150 degrees F Current High Temp Limit = HT= 150 degrees F (( ) x 10)) = -1.5 x 3 degrees F = -4.5F (( ) x 10)) = -1.5 x 3 degrees F = -4.5F 150F – 4.5F = New High Temp Limit 150F – 4.5F = New High Temp Limit (Lower)=145.5 degrees F (Lower)=145.5 degrees F Ideal demand ratio =.70 Actual Demand ratio =.55
All Variables are changeable Ideal ratio.5-.8 Ideal ratio.5-.8 Incremental temp change values: (1-5F) Incremental temp change values: (1-5F) Sample and cycle times: min Sample and cycle times: min Absolute High and Low limits for alarms and reset: 100, 120, 130 – 160, 190, 200 Absolute High and Low limits for alarms and reset: 100, 120, 130 – 160, 190, 200 Initial start up High Temp set: 140 F-190F Initial start up High Temp set: 140 F-190F Temperature Differential: 1-20 degrees Temperature Differential: 1-20 degrees Low limit = High Temp limit – Temp. Differential Low limit = High Temp limit – Temp. Differential
62December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3,
63December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Minute to Minute Comfort Between analysis within the hour, the thermostat can increase the % call for heat/cool, by running more or less than the Ideal Demand ratio of 60% Between analysis within the hour, the thermostat can increase the % call for heat/cool, by running more or less than the Ideal Demand ratio of 60% If chillier, the thermostat can run up to 100%. If chillier, the thermostat can run up to 100%. If warmer, the thermostat runs less than 70%. If warmer, the thermostat runs less than 70%. The thermostat always responds to the call. The thermostat always responds to the call. We use TT information for analysis. We use TT information for analysis.
64December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3,
65December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, What has been done Changed the philosophy of boiler control. Changed the philosophy of boiler control. The new goal is to give heat to satisfy a fixed Ideal Thermostat Demand ratio. The new goal is to give heat to satisfy a fixed Ideal Thermostat Demand ratio. We adjust the boiler output to meet that Ideal demand at the thermostat. We adjust the boiler output to meet that Ideal demand at the thermostat. We provide a more comfortable and more efficient method of heating interior space. We provide a more comfortable and more efficient method of heating interior space.
66December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, A word about savings. Every building has a different relationship with its heating plant. Every building has a different relationship with its heating plant. Some waste a lot. Most waste a lot. Some waste a lot. Most waste a lot. Most have comfort problems. Most have comfort problems. Savings on fuels can range from 5-30% Savings on fuels can range from 5-30% Exquisite Heat will run it more comfortably and efficiently for sure. Exquisite Heat will run it more comfortably and efficiently for sure.
67December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Domestic Hot Water A Second thermistor is provided to monitor Domestic Hot Water. If the Thermostat does not call for heat for one hour the second thermistor is used to satisfy domestic hot water limit temperatures. ( 120F-150F)
68December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Multi Zone Satisfaction Most cases are satisfied by attaching analysis zone to average zone in system. The rest of the zones will float with Thermostat call activity. Most cases are satisfied by attaching analysis zone to average zone in system. The rest of the zones will float with Thermostat call activity.
69December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3,
70December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3,
71December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Simple Attachment Two wire Thermostat parallel connection input. Two wire Thermostat parallel connection input. Attach thermistor to supply output. Attach thermistor to supply output. Connect low voltage control relay in series. Connect low voltage control relay in series. Attach 24 Vlt Power from existing source. Attach 24 Vlt Power from existing source. Program system variables. Program system variables. Revisit until satisfied with installation settings. Revisit until satisfied with installation settings.
72December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Steam Control Steam boilers can be made more precise with Exquisite Heat “burner cycle time” Control. Steam boilers can be made more precise with Exquisite Heat “burner cycle time” Control. Reduce overshoot in steam delivery. Reduce overshoot in steam delivery. Temper supply to thermostat demand. Temper supply to thermostat demand. Reduce discomfort and waste. Reduce discomfort and waste. Shut those open windows. Shut those open windows. Reduce complaints of discomfort. Reduce complaints of discomfort.
73December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3,
Shut Down In the event of a control shut down: In the event of a control shut down: Power failure Power failure Computer switches “disconnect control relay” on to return HVAC to in series factory low voltage control. Computer switches “disconnect control relay” on to return HVAC to in series factory low voltage control.
Alarms Normally open or closed alarm relay is activated upon shut down, or safety settings. Normally open or closed alarm relay is activated upon shut down, or safety settings. Trigger local alarm, communicator, internet server or security system. Trigger local alarm, communicator, internet server or security system. Alarm central or direct dialer to owner and/or contractor. Alarm central or direct dialer to owner and/or contractor. Additional flood, heat, smoke detection available. Additional flood, heat, smoke detection available.
Cash Flow + Day after day. Year after year. It more than pays for itself.
78December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, % fuel savings/4yr payback/$800
Improved Comfort The feature customers notice first customers notice first
80December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3,
81December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Reduction of chimney waste Air Pollutants: CO2, NO, etc. Air Pollutants: CO2, NO, etc. Particulates & heat Particulates & heat
82December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Unconditional Guarantee Exquisite Heat will exchange failed equipment for five years. Lease and rental replacement will occur for the term of the agreement. Exquisite Heat will exchange failed equipment for five years. Lease and rental replacement will occur for the term of the agreement. Equipment will be removed and full refund. ( Do it Right!!! ) Equipment will be removed and full refund. ( Do it Right!!! ) The goal is to refine comfort and efficiency. The goal is to refine comfort and efficiency.
83December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Manufacturers Now have the opportunity to develop efficient boilers and deliver system efficiently to the final comfort recipient. Now have the opportunity to develop efficient boilers and deliver system efficiently to the final comfort recipient.
84December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Heating Contractors have the opportunity to deliver unprecedented comfort and efficiency to their customers. have the opportunity to deliver unprecedented comfort and efficiency to their customers. Exquisite Heat offers the best in class for controlling existing buildings without the need for major renovation. Exquisite Heat offers the best in class for controlling existing buildings without the need for major renovation.
85December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3, Factory Settings Each control comes from the factory set up to attach and run. Each control comes from the factory set up to attach and run. Advanced programming is available for those who wish to adjust variables. Advanced programming is available for those who wish to adjust variables. No computer knowledge is needed to install the control. No computer knowledge is needed to install the control.
86 December 3, 2015December 3, 2015December 3,
Thank you !! “Exquisite Heat” reg. trademark “Exquisite Heat” reg. trademark Rev US Patent 6,402,043 10/18/01