Human Exploration of the Moon and Mars
Launch configuration
Crew Exploration Vehicle
Service module carries the CEV to the Moon
Lunar Surface Module
Site Selection for Moon Near-side Far-side Optimal Science Base* Numbers indicate sortie sites
Do it on the Moon first Partial gravity Radiation Planetary protection
NASA Mars Reference mission
Advanced Life Support Requirements Document. JSC-38571C/CTSD-ADV-245C Feb 2003, NASA JSC
MacElroy et al Human requirements and products kg/person-day Requirements Food 0.6 Water 3 Oxygen 0.8 Total 4.5 Outputs Solids 0.2 Water 3.3 CO Total 4.5
NASA Advaced Life support
Biosphere II
Using the martian soil and atmosphere for a plant growth module Near-term missions
NASA Mars Reference mission
McMurdo Station: 50 years of science exploration
The Antarctica Model Fifty years of continuous operations, 1-15 month tours. Three permanent bases with temporary field camps. Dec 1956: Bases established, IGY Cold War competition. Science exploration was rationale, NSF had responsibility for science. 1970s, 1980s: US Antarctic research program operated as a part of foreign policy & military preparedness for cold weather operations. 1990s: Cold War ends, military activities in USARP reduced. 2000: Helicopter transport provided by private sector. 2005: Civilian science (NSF) managed program entirely. Contractor operation of base (Ratheon Polar Services) Air Force provides transport to Antarctica, Coast Guard provides ice breaker. 2006: NSF directed to assume operation of ice breakers.
Don’t send humans because they will contaminate Mars before we have a chance to determine if it has life and its potential for life
We’ve already contaminated Mars
Spirit Rover with 10 5 bacteria at Gusev Crater