December Financial Moment Dr. Stacey Schmidt
State Average ADM (total student support): $ PTSC received $5, 292 out of 352 in the state
Student Support Annual Loss Loss since 2009 State Tuition PaymentADM Dec 2009 $5, $8,331, Dec 2010 $5,247.00$(53.15) $7,991, Dec 2011 $5, $(160.50) $(213.65) $7,578, Aug 2012 $5, $(35.07) $(248.72) $7,344, Est $5, $(6.14) $(254.86) *$7,504, *This is an estimated loss of $379, ($ x ) from what we would have received for the same number of students in 2009
PTSC Working Together Classified staff members have not had a raise since 2009 Classified Admin and certified admin reduced salaries 1% (the superintendent 2%) during the school year Teachers had salaries reduced by 1% in They maintained that same pay rate for During the school year salaries of teachers were reduced an additional 1% while the number of days teachers work per year increased by one PTSC no longer makes contributions to VEBA and 403(b)
Salary Figures Salary Comparisons Classified Staff$920, Certified Teachers$3,822, Certified Admin $563, Total Salary $5,306, Classified Staff $913, Certified Teachers *$3,664, Certified Admin $563, Total Salary $ 5,141, *Jobs fund money ($143,275) was not available beyond These salaries shifted to the general fund. *New hires in 2012 have 10.5% paid into the teacher retirement fund compared to 3% for retiring teachers