July 3 – 4, 2003, Szentendre Dr. Valdemars Scerbaks MSc Peteris Blumats
July 3 – 4, 2003, Szentendre Dr. Valdemars Scerbaks JointImplementationStrategy JI Projects in Latvia Opportunities and Constrains
July 3 – 4, 2003, Szentendre Dr. Valdemars Scerbaks The saeima (Parliament) of Republic of Latvia ratified the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1995 and the Kyoto Protocol in By signing the Kyoto Protocol Latvia undertook the task to reach 8% reduction (compared to 1990) of emissions of greenhouse gases responsible for global warming during 2008 – 2012.
July 3 – 4, 2003, Szentendre Dr. Valdemars Scerbaks GHG aggregated emissions by sectors Mt CO2 eq. Waste Agriculture Solvent and Other Product Use Industrial Processes Energy Sector KYOTO
July 3 – 4, 2003, Szentendre Dr. Valdemars Scerbaks The Protocol allows the use of three flexible mechanisms to reduce emissions of GHG: Joint Implementation (JI), the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), and International Emissions Trading (ET).
July 3 – 4, 2003, Szentendre Dr. Valdemars Scerbaks Current JI Programmers and Bilateral Agreements The Prototype Carbon Fund (PCF) from World Bank invested in a landfill methane recovery project in Latvia (the Liepaja project), which is the first project of the PCF for which a baseline study has been completed and determination has been carried out. For this purpose the Latvian government signed a carbon purchase agreement (CPA) with the PCE, stating that the emission reductions realized as a result of the project will be transferred to the PCF.
July 3 – 4, 2003, Szentendre Dr. Valdemars Scerbaks The emission reductions are estimated at about tonnes of CO 2 equivalents per year. This includes the transfer of emission reductions that are realized before 2008.
July 3 – 4, 2003, Szentendre Dr. Valdemars Scerbaks no need to create special legal and institutional framework Experience before the first JI project Latvia had previous experience with more than 20 AIJ projects, but: it was more investors driven process limited scope of type of projects covered (mainly fuel switching and rehabilitation of DHS systems) limited experience on baseline development because it was mainly done by investors with very limited involvement of local expertise
July 3 – 4, 2003, Szentendre Dr. Valdemars Scerbaks Project includes: construction of a new landfill, energy cells in the new landfill Grobina, covering of the old site Skede, remediation of all 27 dumpsites in the region, institutional component. Liepaja Solid Waste Management Project
July 3 – 4, 2003, Szentendre Dr. Valdemars Scerbaks Liepaja Solid Waste Management Project
July 3 – 4, 2003, Szentendre Dr. Valdemars Scerbaks The most effective learning process - project implementation, Practical project implementation: facilitates the development of a legal framework and an institutional system as well as capacity building in the Host country, promotes strategic decision taking regarding participation in JI projects, Summary of lessons learned...
July 3 – 4, 2003, Szentendre Dr. Valdemars Scerbaks Unique and pilot character of the project adds new dimension, but therefore is also challenging from legal, financial, capacity etc. view point, New asset – GHG emission reductions - that can even be small in the global carbon market perspective but very substantial from the national development view point. Summary of lessons learned...
July 3 – 4, 2003, Szentendre Dr. Valdemars Scerbaks JI strategy for Latvia: will be ready at the end of September - basis for the further activities will include the following key issues: –decision regarding active v.s. passive project development approach –institutional set-up - ministry in charge of JI projects as well as authorization to take commitments and negotiate projects –criteria for projects selection Next steps
July 3 – 4, 2003, Szentendre Dr. Valdemars Scerbaks Latvian Association for Environmental Management Latvian Association for Environmental Management (LAEM) - is a public organization designed to join efforts of all interested parties in Cleaner Production, Environmental Management and Sustainable Development principles promotion and implementation in Latvia.
July 3 – 4, 2003, Szentendre Dr. Valdemars Scerbaks to join efforts of all interested parties: in Cleaner Production (CP), Environmental Management (EM), and Sustainable Development (SD) principles promotion and implementation in Latvia. The Goal of the Association
July 3 – 4, 2003, Szentendre Dr. Valdemars Scerbaks to assist Latvian companies, local authorities and other interested parties in CP, EM and sustainable patterns of consumption and production implementation, to collect and disseminate information on CP/EMS/SD among all interested parties, Objectives of the Latvian Association for Environmental Management:
July 3 – 4, 2003, Szentendre Dr. Valdemars Scerbaks to start up a dialogue between manufacturers, legislative and financial institutions to provide support to CP/EMS/SD activities, to co-operate with different local and international organizations and institutions in CP/EMC/SD implementation in Latvia Objectives of the Latvian Association for Environmental Management:
July 3 – 4, 2003, Szentendre Dr. Valdemars Scerbaks Methods of Activities training seminars and workshops for Latvian companies, local authorities and other interested parties, joint projects with local and foreign partners on capacity building in CP/EMS/SD implementation in Latvia, co-operation with legislative bodies in introducing new environmental standards harmonized to international and EU requirements, contacts development with similar international organizations and networks in order to ensure information and experience exchange.
July 3 – 4, 2003, Szentendre MSc Peteris Blumats
July 3 – 4, 2003, Szentendre MSc Peteris Blumats LATVIAN ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTMENT FUND Non profit limited liability enterprise, formed by the Ministry of Environment based on a decree by the Cabinet of Ministers on 11 February 1997, Objective – to support environmental investment projects on revolving basis; Finance both private and public projects, To promote improvements in the environment of Latvia by supporting projects with positive environmental impact through soft loans,
July 3 – 4, 2003, Szentendre MSc Peteris Blumats LATVIAN ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTMENT FUND Assist government to fulfil its obligations arising from various international environmental agreements, Assist government to implement EU legislation and EU demands in environmental protection sector in Latvia, Supports private small and medium sized enterprises to implement environmental protection measures, In order to reduce negative impact on the environment caused in the process of manufacturing, LEIF supports implementation of cleaner technologies.
July 3 – 4, 2003, Szentendre MSc Peteris Blumats LEIF project portfolio by sector t of CO 2 ( ) 13% 18% 51% 18% Clean Energy District Heating Water Cleaner Technology