Industry and Urban Growth
A New Industrial Revolution Key Terms Assembly Line – Patent - Method of production in which workers add parts to a product as it moves past them on a belt. An inventor must obtain a document giving him or her the sole right to make and sell an invention
Who was the inventor of the telephone? Who was the “Wizard of Menlo Park”? Who made it possible through mass production for more people to own cars? Alexander Graham Bell Thomas Edison Henry Ford
Big Business and Organized Labor Key Terms entrepreneur – corporation - monopoly - A person who sets up a new business to make a profit Business owned by investors Company that controls most or all business in an industry
Knights of Labor AFL - Terence Powderly was elected president Included all workers – African-American, women, immigrants, and unskilled workers American Federation of Labor Founded by Samuel Gompers Skilled workers only Used Collective Bargaining as a way to gain improvements - unions negotiate with management for workers as a group.
Cities Grow and Change Key Terms urbanization – settlement house – Jane Adams - Rapid growth of city populations Is a center offering help to urban poor Opened settlement house in Chicago called Hull House
The New Immigrants Reasons for migration “Land of Opportunity” Jobs Religious freedom Freedom - wanting traditions of liberty and democracy Becoming American Assimilate – the process of becoming a part of another culture