Engaging Young People Kevin Jones
The Aims of the Workshop To understand the difference between consultation and participation To better understand the barriers and enablers to young people’s engagement To give delegates practical tools for involving young people
Comfort, Stretch, Panic!
The Ladder
What if? Ask people to think of a bizarre premise: –What if furniture could talk? –What if everyone was made of chocolate? This gets people to bond It encourages people to think creatively It encourages deep analysis of cause and consequence
Open Space An excellent methodology to use with young people to ensure your work is youth lead: Ask for suggestions about what they’d like to discuss under a broad heading Have individuals lead on the discussion they suggest Allow people to move around to contribute to different themes
Avatar Making What you want / What others want? What makes you feel included / excluded Characteristics and environmental influences
Six Hats
Appreciative Inquiry A positive and solution centered method of inquiry Rather than always trying to work out what went wrong, find times when things went really well and ask why. Discover “Appreciate what is” Dream “Imagine what might be” Design “Determine what should be” Destiny “Create what will be
Virtual Villages Using scrap materials ask participants to build a 3D model of the Park, Youth Centre, Town Centre etc Create money asking participants to indicate how much they’d spend on each thing £1000 £500
Pledges Think of something you could do locally to provide better opportunities for young people to get involved in the next 6 months Write it down on the card Hand it in! We’ll send it to you on the target date!
Get in touch… Young Advisors W: T: E: