Simon’s Names He was known as Simon the Zealot, and Simon the Cananean.
Simon He lived in Capernaum.
He was born in Cana, Galilee. He was the son of Clopas.
Simon Simon was the 11 th apostle. He was chosen by Simon Peter.
The Journey to Bethlehem Joseph and Mary had to go to Bethlehem because of a census that was ordered by Emperor Augustus. Joseph had to go to Bethlehem because that was where he or his family was from, and they had to register in their hometown.
Roman Occupation The Romans ruled Judea from 6 A.D. to 66 A.D., except for a brief period of time. The Roman rulers insulted the Jews in many ways. They dishonored their holy places and offended their laws. Many Jews disliked the Romans to the point of hating them.
Zealots Zealots were Jewish people who violently opposed the Roman occupation of the Jewish land.Zealots were Jewish people who violently opposed the Roman occupation of the Jewish land. They disliked the Romans in everyway.They disliked the Romans in everyway. Zealots refused to pay taxes.Zealots refused to pay taxes. It is amazing that a Zealot and a Roman tax collector (Matthew) worked together.It is amazing that a Zealot and a Roman tax collector (Matthew) worked together.
The Tensions Break Loose The tensions between the Jews and the Romans finally broke loose in 66 AD.The tensions between the Jews and the Romans finally broke loose in 66 AD. Hellenists dishonored a synagogue in Caesarea.Hellenists dishonored a synagogue in Caesarea. This triggered “The Great Revolt.”This triggered “The Great Revolt.” There were continuous Jewish revolts from 66 AD until 135 AD.
Biblical Romans Because Judea was a Roman territory, Romans are throughout the New Testament. A Roman centurion comes and asks Jesus to heal his servant in Matthew 8.
Biblical Romans The man who handed Jesus over to the Jews was Pontius Pilate. He was the Roman governor of Judea.
The Destruction of Jerusalem The Jews regained control of Jerusalem in 66 AD. In 70 AD, the Roman commander, Titus, led his forces to Jerusalem. In the battle, the entire city was burned, including the temple.
Simon, the Zealot Simon was 28 years old when he became he became an apostle. A zealot was a person who terrorized Romans. Romans.
Simon (A.D.) Simon preached throughout North Africa and Egypt. Some writers say that Simon and Jude went together as missionaries in Persia.
Simon (A.D.) Some say he was crucified and some say he was martyred. He died at a young age. (around 50) He was buried at the age of 120.
The role of the Romans in the death of Jesus! Rome was an empire in the days of Jesus.
Even though some of the Romans were no where near Rome, they were still in Judea during Jesus’ arrest because of their reign because of their reign all over the world.
Facts The name Simon means “heard”. Simon was the 2 nd bishop of Jerusalem.
Simon is represented by a shield, a fish on a book, a boat, or a saw.
Facts Simon’s feast is on May 10 th (in the Roman Church.) Simon is never mentioned by name in the New Testament except on lists.