As we conclude our Advent Series; it is beneficial to note that many of the Christmas Story “characters” went on specific journeys along various roads or paths.
As we briefly explore together the many “paths of Christmas” and the symbolism there is to be found within them, be sure to look at your own life’s journey and ask: “Does this describe where I am?”
Mary travels from Nazareth to visit Elizabeth for 3 months in a small town in the hill country of Judea Mary takes a journey of “seeking faith,” looking for affirmation of the angel’s message & ends up blessing her family.
Due to a Roman Census, Joseph and Mary journey back to his hometown of Bethlehem from Nazareth, though she’s very pregnant. This 80-mile, week-long journey would be very difficult for them.
One “path” that can be easy to forget is that of the Bethlehem shepherds. Although their journey from the fields outside of town to the manger where Jesus laid wasn’t far; it could’ve cost them their jobs & reputation.
Over the course of 40 days, Mary & Joseph make two trips to Jerusalem (for Jesus’ circumcision and for his consecration); with them meeting Simeon & Anna on the 2 nd meeting. This was a 6 mile trip.
No group made as long of a physical journey as the Magi, who traveled from some distant “eastern land” to Jerusalem first and then eventually to Bethlehem to find the Messiah. They traveled home by “a different path,” so as to not alert King Herod.
King Herod’s path was one of pure selfishness; wanting to stop God’s Messiah from reigning over His life. In addition to the innocents of Bethlehem, Herod killed several of his ten wives and two of his own sons.
After being visited by the traveling Magi in Bethlehem, Joseph is guided by God in the middle of the night to flee with his new family to Egypt; to protect Jesus from the jealous wrath of King Herod. This mirrors the Exodus of the Israelites.
After many miles traveled and years away, Joseph and Mary are directed by God to return to and raise Jesus in Nazareth. It is clear in the Gospels that only Jesus’ closest disciples and family knew of his birth in Bethlehem and travels to Egypt. He is often minimized as a “Nazarene.”
Throughout the Christmas Story, we have focused on many who have traveled far and sacrificed much for God’s glory. None of them compares to the sacrifice that Jesus, the Son of God, made when He became human…to later die for us all.