“The Testaments”- Part 21 “Spiritual Beginnings”
~Amala C. Alistar~ We all have fallacies in the flesh, but we have to move past the fallacies to enjoy the Gift. We need one- another. Get past the man and love one-another, and you’ll be able to move through the Kingdom.
Matthew 10:16 “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.
Genesis 44:1 Then Joseph commanded his house steward, saying, fill the men’s sacks with food, as much as they can carry, and put each man’s money in the mouth of his sack.
44:2 – Put my cup, the Silver Cup, in the mouth of the sack of the youngest, and his money for the grain. And he did as Joseph had told him.
Genesis 45:3 – Then Joseph said to his brothers, “I am Joseph! Is my Father yet alive?” But his brothers could not answer him, for they were dismayed at his presence.
45:4 – Then Joseph said to his brothers, “Please come closer to me.” And they came closer. And he said, “I am your brother Joseph whom you sold unto Egypt.
45:5 – Now do not be grieved or angry with yourselves, because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life.
I give you peace I extend my love I seek your friendship I see your character I discern your needs I feel your emotions My wisdom flows from the highest source and I commend that source in you Let’s work together Let’s love one another Let’s be love ~dkp~
The seven cities of refuge for Israel were very good when the world was guilty of the spirit of revenge and the avenger was hunting a person to kill for his or her crime. The guilty could enter the city and find a resting place. However, when there is no guilt, no avenger, and you’re not being pursued, what good is a city of refuge? The city changed its purpose to something greater.
~Bro Ben Dorgbefu~ If the Fall by Adam in the garden of Eden that brought all life to death, was not selective, how can we think that the restoration by Jesus Christ should be selective; annihilating some in fire and giving others eternal life, How? Is the one that brought the Restoration inferior to the one that brought the fall, that he cannot restore all.
Where is the condemnation coming from? I cannot understand how a dog of Bro. Branham that was killed by Mr Short, and the Prophets Horse be living in Paradise and we expect a sinner ( a human being) to be annihilated. The teaching of Bro. Don has taken my understanding to a new height all together.
~dkp~ The seven cities of refuge for Israel were very good when the world was guilty of the spirit of revenge and the avenger was hunting a person to kill for his or her crime. The guilty could enter the city and find a resting place. However, when there is no guilt, no avenger, and your not being pursued what good is a city of refuge? The city has to change its purpose to something greater for another season.
~dkp~ A man of war is a great person to have around when the whole world is guilty and many are seeking to conquer and destroy. However, what good is a man of war when we are standing in the Millennium, when we are resting. The man of war has to change his purpose to something greater for another season.
~dkp~ How do you fall out of favor with the flow of the Holy Spirit? By trying to act like the character in a script gone by? By being a man of war in the millennium, or being a church age messenger in the Testaments. By using the weapons of the old five- fold ministry on the Saints of this New Day.
~dkp~ I'm seeing more that this is not a script now. We aren't going by what someone wrote for us. As Brother Kit said, "This is a diary". This is real time and we are the ones in favor with the Spirit as we rest between scripts. We are enjoying our free time together. Revelation 10:8-11 is the remaining prophecy in action and there is nothing written on it.
~dkp~ Rest in the Testaments and be your own character. You don't have to be a hero or a villain. You don't have to be a judge or a critic. That all happens when the act is being played with a memorized script. No one is keeping score now. There is no competition needed and the ego's have been checked at the door.
~Bro Lucas Taylor~ The death of the fifth dimensional mind, which keeps records of wrong, both those done to you and those you've done to others, frees you to both love and be loved.
~Sis Purie Grajo~ The colors of the Wind is the color of Love. It is the many colors of the great Holy Spirit. In Him are the many attributes (colors) of Life, both darkness and light so that we could understand its beauty in many contrasts. If we truly can see the essence of this we could rest in our afflictions and chaotic conditions.
Science has predicted that the Milky Way is shaped like a ring of fire. They are projecting six more years and they will have satellites in position to look back at the Milky Way and take those pictures.
When those pictures are actually taken I believe that the Milky Way will look like the Cloud hanging over sunset mountain. We are all in it. It is the cloud hanging in the universe.
~Pastor Joe Gomez~ NOW is the most important day in your life. Tomorrow is another now. ~dkp~ Hebrews 11:1 - NOW faith is the substance of all things. NOW faith is the evidence of things that are not yet created.
The Lord told Abraham to sacrifice his evidences (Isaac). Abraham loved the Giver and obeyed. He was willing to give up the "Gift", the evidence (Isaac). We have to be willing to sacrifice our evidences to know Christ in divine love. "Enjoy Life, Live Long and Prosper"
~Thenea Locke~ The thing that I love about this message is that it is not about right or wrong, or fighting and debating over quotes and scriptures. This message is about divine love.
“The Testaments”- Part 21 “Spiritual Beginnings”