Ecological problems: Land pollution Checked by Petrova N.N. Done by Students of 8 “B” form school 73 “Lira” Shevchenko Nastya Yakubova Diana
Littering The main problem of land pollution is littering. People nowadays are irresponsible. They throw away litter, not reduce using electricity and water. There are not so many people, who reuse plastic bottles and paper. But only 4% of recyclable material is actually recycled.
What should we do? People should avoid buying products in the package. Never drop litter. Don’t waste paper. Help to clean up local environment. We can drive electric cars or bicycles. When we throw out the garbage, we need to think about whether it can be recycled.
What can the government do for people? Build new recycle centers and stations. Use garbage bins for different wastes. Put more garbage bins in the cities.
Conclusion If we follow the instructions, we will become the best friends of the world. We have to think about how to protect nature. We can make a difference, because the Earth is our home.
Thank you for your attention!