What Is Culture? Behaviors, values, social skills, knowledge, attitudes shared by a group of people.
Culture gives MEANING to REALITY
Characteristics of Culture It’s Learned
Characteristics of Culture It’s Shared - but Differentially
Characteristics of Culture It’s based on Symbols (words, images, objects) What is being communicated to the children through this symbol?
Characteristics of Culture It’s Patterned & Integrated: itforms a relatively coherent system
Characteristics of Culture It’s Adaptive But not always
Characteristics of Culture It Changes 1973, 2.5 lbs, 30 min. talk, 10 hrs recharge, $ , 4.8 oz, 5 hrs talk, $99. Inuit 1900 Inuit
Characteristics of Culture Si Se Puede
Ideal vs. Real Culture Ideal: what people believe they should do Ideal: what people believe they should do Obey the speed limit Obey the speed limit Recycle Recycle Not procrastinating on reading assignments Not procrastinating on reading assignments Real: what people can be observed doing Real: what people can be observed doing Speeding Speeding Look in the classroom waste cans!!!! Look in the classroom waste cans!!!! Last minute cramming Last minute cramming