Technology The use of knowledge, tools, and recources to help people solve problems--
We do many fun activities in Applied Technology such as-
Problem Solving
Recycle Inventions
For many years people have been using and discarding many used items. Our resources and land fills are limited. We need to be inventive and creative to stop this practice.
Challenge: Design and construct a recycle invention using only used items. Be creative and have fun!!
Objectives : -use the problem -solving method to manage the project -using two or more used (recycled) items design and build something useful.
-A paragraph explaining the project -this should not cost anything to construct and again have fun!!! -You need to present your project to the class
And Games like Crazy Machines and Print Shop
Learning how to use Power Point
News Shows for the school-
Legos,Robotics,Knex,Electronics,Electricity,Marble Rolls,etc.(Stations)
We will also learn about many areas of technology in the Modular Technology Room !
And Teaching the class About Technology !!
Class Officers and T.S.A.