Important Terms Hagar and Ishmael – Abraham’s second family, ancestors of Islam Mecca – Islam’s holiest city Kaaba – large cube-shaped structure in the heart of Mecca Muhammad – messenger of God Hegira – Muhammad’s journey from Mecca to Medina Q’uran – Islamic holy book
The Origins of Islam Abraham (same person found in the Torah and the Bible) had a wife named Sarah, who could not have children Abraham took a second wife named Hagar, and they had a son, Ishmael Sarah then became pregnant and had a son, Isaac Sarah was very jealous of Hagar and Ishmael and ordered Abraham to cast them away Abraham took them into the desert to keep them safe from Sarah
Hagar and Ishmael in the Desert While in the desert, Hagar and Ishmael could not find water One day Hagar fell to the ground and called out to God, and a spring appeared in front of her Abraham came back to the desert and found the miracle spring He built a large cube (the Kaaba) over it to honor God The spring continued to flow and people traveled from all over the world to drink from it The city of Mecca formed around the Kaaba and the spring
Muhammad His parents died when he was young, so an uncle raised him Muhammad became a really successful merchant and married a woman named Khadijah They had six children, but five died while they were young He was deeply religious and would frequently live in a cave to meditate and pray
Muhammad and the Cave During one of his retreats to the cave he was visited by the angel Gabriel Gabriel commanded him speak, and when he did he spoke revelations from God Muhammad had many encounters with Gabriel after that and learned God had chosen him to be his prophet
Spreading the Message When Muhammad began telling others about the messages he received from God, he quickly gained followers in Mecca Some powerful people in Mecca didn’t accept his teachings and forced Muhammad to leave Muhammad made the journey from Mecca to Medina (a nearby city), where people were more receptive to his message This journey was known as the Hegira, or Withdrawal Muhammad spent the last ten years of his life spreading his faith – Islam became the fastest growing world religion over the next few centuries
Basic Beliefs Muhammad’s revelations and teachings are collected in the Q’uran The Five pillars of Islam Profession of faith - “There is no god but God (Allah), and Muhammad is the messenger of God Pray five times a day facing Mecca Giving charity to the needy Fast during Ramadan, the Muslim holy month The Hajj - make the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once
Codes of Conduct Muslims may not eat pork or drink alcohol They must wash before praying to be pure before God The Sharia – a legal code outlining how Muslims should live Murder, lying, and stealing are forbidden The Jihad – a “holy struggle” The struggle to improve oneself or society against Satan’s influence, personal aspects, or a visible threat to the Muslim community People interpret Jihad in many ways and it is one of the most controversial aspects to Islam
People of the Book Muslims believe that Allah is the same God described in the Torah and the Bible and that both of these books came from God as well The Q’uran has more authority than the Torah or the Bible because it represents God’s final message to humanity Muslims believe Muhammad is the last and greatest prophet in a long line of prophets including Abraham, Noah, Moses, and Jesus Muslims are told to respect all “people of the book” because they are all from the same tradition of prophets