Central Lancashire Preferred Core Strategy Your local councils working together to plan for a better future for everyone
What is a Local Development Framework Core Strategy? Decides broadly what should happen where over the next years Controls new development and coordinates other investment – not just land use changes Basis for more detailed planning – eg site allocations Takes its lead from the Regional Spatial Strategy and national planning policies.
Why are the Councils working together? One housing market and one local economy Similar issues to be dealt with – councils can assist each other More efficient – saves money on plan making
Growth Point Where does the Growth Point for Central Lancashire and Blackpool fit in? Waiting for outcome of second stage bid (Feb 09) If the Councils then want to go ahead the Core Strategy will be amended as necessary and further consulted on.
What does ‘Preferred’ mean? Suggested best ways forward Still a draft Open to other alternatives
What’s in the Preferred Core Strategy? Spatial Option 9 themes Climate Change Housing Economic Growth Skills Rural Economy Retail and Tourism Health and Wellbeing Biodiversity and the Environment Travel Vision Objectives Preferred Options (or Policies) Community Strategies
What are the highlights for Leyland? Improved shopping facilities in Leyland Regeneration of Leyland Town Centre Employment Centre New and improved play facilities Focus on ‘greening’ the area New railway station at Midge Hall (Ormskirk to Preston line)
How can I find out more? Copies of all the documents are available at: Council Offices Your local library Call the LDF Team on or
What do we want to know? Are the suggested preferred options the best way forward? Are there other alternatives? How can we tell if the preferred options are working? Have we missed anything?
Where to from here? Comments deadline 19 December 2008 Changes can be made to final Core Strategy ‘Published’ in 2009 Finalised in 2010 following a public hearing
Any Questions???