CiE offer a flexible, creative and individual service In accordance with the principles of best value our work is based upon: - –Evaluation –Intervention –Monitoring –Advice –Support Working within: - ‘DCSF National Professional Standards for School Improvement Professionals’
Working in Partnership A high quality service for: - –Schools –Independent providers –Local Authority Childrens’ Services Concepts in Education provides an inclusive and effective service characterised by: - –Information, advice and support. –Individual consultancy. –Needs based and bespoke consultancy. –Self evaluation and strategy. –Working with schools to secure improvement, raise standards and improve attainment.
CiE offer areas of particular expertise which include: - Improving standards and raising achievement. Curriculum Development. Leadership and Management. Developing inclusive practice. Target setting across the school, particularly for those pupils operating below Level 2. Behaviour Management. Special Educational Needs. Physical intervention, control and restraint within a holistic approach to behaviour modification. Staff wellbeing, stress reduction and team building. Working with Independent Providers to improve the quality of their provision.
We are advantaged by the skills, experience and quality of our Associates. Together we are able to provide the highest quality Services Our Associates include: - –Independent consultants who have a proven track record in effective support. –DCSF Accredited School Improvement Partners across all phases:- Secondary, Primary and Special. –OfSTED Inspectors. –Serving Headteachers. –Qualified Physical Intervention Instructors. All of our Associates hold CRB enhanced clearance.
CiE small but perfectly formed! CiE have a proven track record of developing effective working relationships based upon trust and mutual respect. Our aim is always be to empower colleagues in schools with new skills and personal development. Current good practice is shared and evaluation used to inform planning. We work in partnership to promote inclusive learning opportunities for all young people.