Keep Britain Tidy Jonathan Gibbon November
What we are and what we do We campaign to improve environmental quality for everyone; Independent charity, fighting for people’s right to live and work in a place of which they can be proud; Sixty years ago, we started with litter. Today we do much more. We work at the heart of business, government and the community; National campaigning voice means we are the ‘go to’ charity for media, businesses and communities who want to talk to experts; Unrivalled research, evidence base and campaign pedigree makes us the voice of authority for media, government, businesses and public. 2
3 Some of our Programmes
4 Some of our Campaigns
“We’re watching you” A social experiment to combat dog fouling Experiment aim: To test the effectiveness of using images of ‘watching eyes’ and accompanying messages to reduce dog fouling in hotspot areas across England. Experiment objectives: To identify: the impacts of the different posters to dog fouling in the target areas if posters displaced dog fouling incidents to other nearby locations what would improve the impact, effectiveness, appropriateness and efficiency of the approach 5
6 Experiment posters Poster 1: eyes onlyPoster 2: enforcement Poster 3: positive reinforcementPoster 4: peer influence
Bringing it together : Our Vision and Core Goals Keep Britain Tidy’s vision is a world where people understand and actively care for their environment and for each other Better local Communities and Places Sustainable Living and Wellbeing Educating the Next Generation 7
8 Our Reach