20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt Color Elements of Art Principles of Design Potpourri Stuff you need to know!!
Another name for a color
What is hue?
Red, Blue and Yellow
What are the primary colors?
Color group that make us feel excited and energetic
What are the warm colors (red, orange and yellow)?
Black, white and gray
What are neutral colors?
Orange, purple (violet), and green
What are secondary colors?
A cube is an example of this.
What is form?
A line that runs up and down
What is vertical?
Curvy, zigzag, diagonal, and horizontal
What are types of lines?
Circle, square, triangle, rectangle
What are geometric shapes?
Clouds, leaves, rain drops, shells, and people
What are free- form / organic shapes?
In a painting, this is where your eyes go first.
What is the emphasis/focal point?
A sculpture that is a mirror image
What is symmetrical balance?
How something feels or looks like it feels
What is texture?
Repetition of an element such as line, color, shape, etc.
What is pattern?
Opposites in an artwork such as light and dark, or rough and smooth
What is contrast?
When an artist communicates emotions and ideas.
What is expressive?
Artwork that describes and illustrates a story.
What is narrative?
Artwork that is useful
What is functional?
This culture expresses art in the form of totem poles, pottery and weavings.
What is Native American?
This mask could be an example of which cultures?
What is Native American or West African?
Colors that make us feel calm and relaxed such as blue, green, and purple (violet)
What are the cool colors?
Landscape, portrait, and still life
What is subject matter?
Artwork created by artists who have not had formal training
What is Folk Art?
Pencils, paint, clay, yarn, fabric, papier-mâché
What is media/medium?
Weaving, sculpture, and pottery
What are examples of three dimensional process?