Development and Health Introduction Other Indicators[Date] Today I will: - Know the three groups of indicators - Be able to explain how each of the indicators can show levels of development
ECONOMIC GDP per capita ($)/GNP per capita ($): Indicate how much money a country has and how much can be used to develop education/roads/health etc. Income per capita ($): Indicates how much money people have to spend on food and luxuries. TV sets, telephones and car ownership per 1000 people: Reflects how many people have more than they need to survive. Energy consumed per capita (Watts): How much electricity, coal and gas a country uses, how many people can afford to heat homes etc. SOCIAL Life expectancy (years): Indicates how good healthcare is, number of doctors, nurses, hospitals and equipment. Diet. Disease e.g. AIDs. Infant mortality. Number of patients per doctor: Indicates how much money is spent on health. More doctors = more people treated/prevented from disease. Literacy Rate (%): Indicates how much money is spent on education. Number of schools, qualified teachers, how much money parents have to send kids to school. Number of calories per person per day: Reflects how well fed people are, how much money they have, how good farming is and how strong people are to disease. COMPOSITE The Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI): literacy rate, life expectancy and infant mortality. Scored out of 100. The Human Development Index (HDI): Life expectancy, adult literacy and GNP. Countries are given an index from 0- 1 with 1 being the best. Indicators of Development
Development and Health Introduction NWW textbook read pages 148 and 149 Questions 1,2 and 3 on page 158
Development and Health Introduction [2012] Infant Mortality Rate per 1000 live births is a social indicator of development. Name one other social indicator and one economic indicator of development and explain how they show a country’s level of development. [8 marks]