Bullying and School Violence
Bullying The act of seeking power or attention through the emotional or physical abuse of another person.
Teen Truth Video What is bullying?
Harassment Harassment is unwelcome conduct that is based on race, color, sex, religion, national origin, disability, and/or age.
What is Bullying: Calling someone names Threatening with physical violence Teasing Spreading rumors Excluding Attacking
What affect does bullying have? Those bullied stay home; low self-esteem Those bullied hurt themselves Those bullied hurt others
Hazing Hazing is a ritualistic test and a task involving harassment, abuse or humiliation used as a way of initiating a person –Can be physical or mental
Hazing in Fraternities and Sororities QnSxMA&feature=relatedhttp:// QnSxMA&feature=related
Violence The threatened or actual use of physical force or power to harm another person or to damage property.
Warning Signs of Violence Difficulty controlling anger Disobeys rules Violent artwork or writing Talks about weapons Makes threats/plans to hurt others
Staying Safe Avoid unsafe areas Keep wallet/purse close to you Walk briskly/confidently Don’t walk alone at night Park car in well lit area
School Violence PKfsE&feature=relatedhttp:// PKfsE&feature=related
GPZPg&feature=relatedhttp:// GPZPg&feature=related