Integration of Visual Arts and Technology
Continuation of Seussology To begin THINKING AND IMAGINATING Oh the Thinks The Glunk Imagination dust in the art room of course
Kindergarten and First Grade Introduction to the Grinch stories Listening and looking at places where the stories are the same How each story was made Artist jobs: Author - Illustrator - Animator etc.
Kindergarten and First Sounds like the book! The story comes to life!
Green Eggs and Ham
Green Eggs
Primary Color Imaginated Animals
Second Grade The Grinch How they make things look real The Special effects bonus section
Special Effects
Third Grade Character hunt for cat birthday Internet Research Book research Compare and Contrast the three stories The Grinch - What’s missing from each story Animation of their own character
Third Grade Character Research
Wacom Increases thinking - uses more of the brain
Fourth Grade - Heroes Wacom sketches Development of the Hero story Hero “figures”
Fifth Grade Look at special effects, cg animation, Make-up, Who-school=bonus features
Music Video
5th grade
Other Integration Opportunities The Lorax - the world is yours kids!
Kindergarten Application and Practice of Color Theory Primary Drawings Practice of Shape Creation and Recognition Terms and Letter Game Literature Used
First Grade Color Wheel Brainstorming/Thumbnail Drawings Storyboard Introduction Terms and Letter Game Practice Line Use
Second Grade Landscape and Color Theory Response to Works of Art Storyboarding Animation Introduction
Third Grade Mask Research Thumbnail Drawings Practice of Pattern and Texture in Masks Response to Own Artwork Storytelling and Masks
Fourth Grade Introduction of Proportioning Practice Drawing of Human Figure Creation of Hero Animations
New Fav’s Wacky Wednesday I Can Read with My Eyes Shut! - Elementary Schools -