MY ONLINE CODE In the last 2 years of digital literacy I have learned the proper ways to act and why to act that way online, I have also learned other things such as, Online safety, digital footprints, cyber bullying, video game addiction and more.
PROTECTING YOUR PASSWORD Some good ways to keep your password safe is to, keep them different, make sure that they have nothing to do with you or your life, such as a pet or family members name, include numbers that are not obvious, an obvious number combo being 123 or 321. Keep your passwords for different sites different because if there all the same then somebody could guess one and they would have your password for every single website you go on. And don’t tell anyone your password, even if it’s a friend that you think you could trust, they could log on attempting to prank you but in the end the prank could really effect your life getting a job or going to college/university.
SAFETY ON SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES -Never give your information to anybody you don’t know in real life (Such as Your address, school hours phone number) -If somebody adds you and you don’t know who they are don’t accept. Or if you already have that person on your list ask the person if that’s them, it could be a stranger trying to get your info. -Just because someone sais there someone doesn’t make it true. They can lie and there’d be no way of telling -Try and make your password different from the other ones you use, if there all the same and someone guesses one, then they have access to all of your accounts. -Only add people that you know on any website, If you don’t know who they are then decline the friend request. -People trust websites such as Facebook, and twitter even though they could change their policy saying that could use your account for something, and nobody would even read the changes they made to the policy.
CYBER PREDATORS -Cyber predators are pedophiles that go online and try to get children to come to them so they can kidnap them, usually by pretending that they are to kids and claiming they live near and meeting them in the outside world. -Cyber predators use the internet to bait children because it Is harder for the government to catch them and put them in jail since there can be no proof that they aren’t a child online or theres so much websites such as chat rooms that they just can’t find every predator out there -Cyber predators are often on for most of the day, they constantly talk to children and build up trust so that the child feels like it is a another child for sure and can trust that they wont harm them if they meet in real life
WHY TO KEEP YOUR INFO PRIVATE If someone found out your password then they could log on to your account and talk to your friends or family, or change your account to make you look bad. People could look at what you’ve said in the past to your friends (If you had said something you might not have been supposed to say or that you wouldn’t want you parents to say). If a child predator was to find out your location because your info wasn’t private he could find and abduct you.
CYBER BULLYING -Cyber bullies are people who harass people over the internet using a phone or computer. - It is hard to stop cyber bullying because people can use a fake name and you can’t figure out who is behind that fake name. -In many cases cyber bullying has lead to suicide. -Nearly 43% of kids have been bullied online. 1 in 4 has had it happen more than once -Girls are more likely to be targeted as victims to cyber bullying -Most of the time kids do not tell a parent that they are being cyber bullied
DIGITAL FOOTPRINTS AND THE CLOUD -Your digital footprint is the mark you leave behind on every website you go on. Everything you do is left on the cloud and cannot be erased. -The cloud is a giant storage for the internet, instead of using your computers storage its stored in a giant computer. It’s called the cloud to represent it being no where but still accessible as if it were stored in the sky, but really its in a giant computer where people can access it. -If you have a google account and you enter a website, it remembers the site and puts in the url for you when you type the first few letters, it stores every site you go on into the cloud. -Even if you clear your history, its still in the cloud and can be viewed by google or whatever internet browsers you use. -Every message you send someone is also stored in the cloud, even when you delete it. Its still there. -There is always a trace left behind you when you browse the internet, the google can probably follow you as you go from website to website, it logs it and they can click the websites.
VIDEO GAMES AND ADDICTION -Video games can be really addicting and hard not to play. And video games that are rated for mature audiences (18+) are often played by children that are under that age. -One of the most common games that people are addicted to is a first person shooter known as Call of duty. -If you went onto call of duty and played online, you would notice that there are children on the mic, swearing more then the average adult and using words that not even the adults say. -When children are addicted to video games all that’s in there mind most of the time is the video games they play, if you were addicted to call of duty then it would be in your mind all day. -Video games can be good to though, they can expand the imagination and help your hand eye coordination and just go as a pass time while your waiting for something, keeping you from being bored
HOW I PLAN TO ACT AS AN ONLINE CITIZEN When I am online I plan to act as a good citizen. I wont be sending mean messages or cyber bullying anyone, because it can lead to drastic things that could hurt the persons family and friends, even some of my friends could be effected if that person committed suicide. I will be keeping my information private, and my password will be kept different for different websites, so that if somebody guesses one password they would have all of my website passwords and could potentially ruin my reputation as a good online citizen or just my reputation in general.