You must be an E-safety Support member to use these resources in your school. © Cyber Bullying
You must be an E-safety Support member to use these resources in your school. © Cyber Bullying You may know what bullying is, but do you know what cyber bullying is?
You must be an E-safety Support member to use these resources in your school. © What is cyber bullying? Cyber bullying is the word used to describe the situation when somebody uses technology to be nasty or hurtful to you. To hurt someone, a cyber bully may use: Social networking sites Online gaming chat Texts on a mobile phone
You must be an E-safety Support member to use these resources in your school. © Cyber bullying on social networking sites Cyber bullies can hurt their victims in a number of ways on social networking sites by: Posting nasty comments or sending threatening private messages. Setting up a ‘hate group’ about you and encouraging other people to post nasty comments about you..Conducting a poll about you.
You must be an E-safety Support member to use these resources in your school. © Cyber bullying on mobile phones Cyber bullies can torment their victims using mobile phones by: Sending unpleasant or nasty texts that call you names or threaten you. Making prank calls or silent calls to you on your mobile phone. Passing your number around to other people and getting them to send you unpleasant texts.
You must be an E-safety Support member to use these resources in your school. © Cyber bullying on online games Cyber bullying takes place within online games in the following ways: Sending you insults or swearing at you using the chat facility on games. Sending you nasty voice or video messages. Stealing your password and then pretending to be you on the game. Getting a large group of gamers to gang up on you within the game.
You must be an E-safety Support member to use these resources in your school. © Other methods of cyber bullying There are other ways of cyber bullying that you should be aware of. Setting up websites just to poke fun at you. Writing nasty blogs about you. Posting unpleasant manipulated photographs of you online. Sending viruses or rude pictures to your phone or computer using , messaging or social networking sites.
You must be an E-safety Support member to use these resources in your school. © Why do people cyber bully? People cyber bully for lots of reasons. It makes them feel powerful or they think it will make them look cool in front of their friends. They are pretending to be tough online. They think that it’s just a joke. They want to get back at you for upsetting a friend of theirs. Because they can!
You must be an E-safety Support member to use these resources in your school. © How to prevent yourself from being cyber bullied Treat others with respect and expect them to do the same to you. Never give passwords away. Never give personal information such as your age, your address or mobile number to anyone you don’t know in person. Never arrange to meet anyone you’ve met online in person. If you don’t want the world to know then don’t post it online! If you sign up to play online games, use a separate ‘Hotmail’ or ‘Gmail’ address so that you can close it down.
You must be an E-safety Support member to use these resources in your school. © What to do if you are being cyber bullied If someone starts cyber bullying you, there are a number of things you must do: Tell your parents or your teacher what is happening. If they are not your friend, don’t reply to them − ignore them. If you are being cyber bullied through your mobile phone, social network or s keep the messages and show them to your parents or your teacher. If you can block them or delete the account that they are contacting you on, then do it, but remember to show your teacher or parent the messages first!
You must be an E-safety Support member to use these resources in your school. © Cyber bullying Unfortunately cyber bullying is increasing, especially within online games. [It is not tolerated in school!] Make sure you know how to protect yourself against getting cyber bullied. Make sure you know what to do if you are cyber bullied. Always get help if someone starts bullying you. Lastly, don’t be afraid of the bullies! That’s what they want.
You must be an E-safety Support member to use these resources in your school. © Cyber bullying Thank you for watching the presentation and remember… Stay Internet Safe!