Hi! My name is Teodora Alexia. This is my portrait. I am almost nine years old. My eyes are big and brown. I have a dark skin and long black hair, with lovely curls.
I am a schoolgirl at Saint Ana School from Galati, Romania. My teacher loves us very much and teach us a lot of things. Her name is Angela Chirosca. In our class are twenty-three children: nine girls and fourteen boys. Madame teacher gives us very interesting homework. It is hard in the third class, but we learn a lot of new things. Our school is one of the best schools in town. After school I often go to the ballet class. I like to be on the scene, to be a ballerina. But I must to work hardly to prepare for a new role, especially when I have a solo. Now, I work to a new dance for the Christmas Eve. My mother looks for my suit: a nice blue dress with silver shoes.
Wild cat
The wildcat is a small cat found throughout most of Africa, Europe, and southwest and central Asia into India, China, and Mongolia. Because of its wide range, it is classed by the IUCN as Least Concern. Scientific name: Felis silvestris Lifespan: 13 – 14 y Rank: Species Gestation period: 60 – 68 d Mass: 3 – 5 kg (Female), 5 – 8 kg (Male), 0.1 – 0.2 kg (Newborn) Tail length: 18 – 35 cm (Female), 23 – 40 cm (Male)
By Tirnovan Teodora Alexia The 3 rd B Class However, is wonderful to be here, on the earth. Bye-bye!