Hydrogen By Jason Pynnonen
Important Terms Hydro=Water Genes=Generator Pauling Scale(electronegativity) Protium Deuterium (AKA Heavy Hydrogen) Tritium
Basic Information Atomic Number- 1. Atomic Weight Makes up about 75% of the universe’s elemental mass. Nonmetal. Oxidation Numbers- (-1, 1) Hydrogen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Physical Properties Phase of matter- Gas Specific Heat Capacity- (25 degrees Celsius) Boiling point- ( Fahrenheit) Melting point- ( Fahrenheit) ments/H/H_Phys.html
Who/When/Where? Henry Cavendish 1766 London, England
How Was it discovered? Cavendish collected it after he created a reaction between Mercury and some acids. Hydro=Water Genes=Generator
Reactivity Very Reactive 3 Natural Isotopes – Protium – Deuterium (AKA Heavy Hydrogen) – Tritium Reactions-hydrogen.html
Important Compounds H2O NH3 H2O2
Everyday Uses of Hydrogen and its Compounds Water Ammonia Hydrogen Peroxide Propane Methane
Characteristics Colorless Odorless Electronegativity(pauling scale) –(2.18) Structural shape- Hexagonal Very dangerous in some reactions with oxidants.
Advanced Hydrogen Uses Hydrogen Cars – Ford Fusion Hydrogen 999 Fuel Cell Race Car Blimps and Zepplins – Hindenburg accident
Quiz Questions 1. What does Genes mean in English? 2. What is the atomic weight I gave for Hydrogen? 3. What is the specific heat capacity for Hydrogen? 4. Who discovered Hydrogen? 5. When and where did he discover it? 6. What are the names of 2 of the 3 isotopes? 7. According to the chart I showed, what is the most reactive with hydrogen? 8. What is the most important compound? 9. What is hydrogens rating on the pauling scale? 10. How fast did the fastest hydrogen car go?
Works Cited Hydrogen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia pg pg