Announcements Exam – change of date, pushed back to 9/23. Advise asap if this causes any issues. Learn IT! #2 due in two weeks, Monday 9/28. - create a swim lane diagram of the order process for a fast-food drive-through. Learn IT! activities – DO NOT wait until the day before they're due to start peppering me with questions. I will not respond to ed questions after end of day 9/23 with regard to this assignment. Activity assignments - questions have come up in other sections, can you keep to study from. Recommend you take pictures of them before turning in, as they will not be returned. For those already turned in, if you want pics, pls schedule office hours w/ me.
Announcements continued Activities – If you anticipate missing an In-Class Activity due to: Approved Athletics Documented Major Religious Holidays when class is still held Other well-documentable reasons YOU MAY: me at least 48 hours in advance to let me know. Complete the assignment on your own and turn it in BEFORE the date it would be completed in class. In-Class Activities turned in after the class date will not be accepted.
Announcements continued MIS Career Fair Deadline to register is Wednesday. Open to all MIS majors, MIS minors, ITIE and Business Analytics minors, and graduate students completing a degree with an IT related concentration. Over 30 companies attending this year! URL is