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All of the environmental features in an area where an organism lives
What is a habitat?
Position in a food web and behavior is part of this
What is a niche?
Increases in competition for food, shelter, and mates cause a population to reach this
What is carrying capacity?
Ex: Two robins eating worms on the same lawn
What is competition?
One organism capturing and eating another
What is predation?
Ex: Aphids excrete a waste that ants eat, while ants protect the aphids from predators
What is mutualism?
Ex: oak tree provides a place for a bird to build a nest
What is commensalism ?
Difference between parasites and predators
What is parasites keep their hosts alive for a while?
Movement of a single caribou into a herd
What is immigration?
Pattern of growth limited resources will show
What is logistic?
T/F Carrying capacity changes after a fire or flood
What is true?
Ex: Diseases spread more rapidly when an area is crowded
What is a density- dependent limiting factor?
Ex: Natural disaster
What is a density- independent limiting factor?
Sequence of biotic changes that regenerate or create an ecological community
What is succession?
Development of an ecosystem in an area that has been covered by lava begins by
What is breakdown of rock by pioneer species?
Ex: lichens and mosses that first live in uninhabited areas
What are pioneer species?
Ex: After a forest fire
What is secondary succession ?
Begins with bare rock
What is primary succession?
Earth’s human population
What is about 6 billion?
Reason Earth’s carrying capacity has increased
What is technology?
Ex: coal
What is a nonrenewable resource?
Ex: Trees on Easter Island were cut faster than they could grow
What is nonrenewable resource?
Amount of land needed to support a person
What is an ecological footprint?
Ex: A vine coiling around an object
What thigmotropism?
Gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect
What are carbon dioxide and methane?
Pollutants in the water cycle cause rain to become ______
What is more acidic than normal?
How greenhouse gases affect Earth’s atmosphere
What is they slow the loss of heat?
Increase in global temperatures
What is global warming?
One organism benefits while one is neither benefited or harmed
What is commensalism ?
Ex: A leech feeds on a host’s blood
What is parasitism?
Final Jeopardy: What 2 factors cause smog?
Sunlight and pollutants from fossil fuels