Functions of Administrators Association of Chiropractic Board Administrators
ACBA Made up of Administrators of Chiropractic Regulatory Boards Founded 1987 US States, Canadian Provinces, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, D.C., and others
ACBA Distinguish from Board Members Board members establish Policy of Boards Administrators implement and manage policy Must assure that they are done within context of statutes and rules as well as other governmental policies
Other Functions
Conduct agency missions License or other registration renewal Handle renewal applications Manage applications with derogatory information since previous application Apply/monitor payments
Conduct agency missions Complaint Resolution Take in complaints Route to proper persons/committees Acquire/prepare documents Set meetings Interact with AG representative Carry out panel decisions Manage contested cases This function alone can take up nearly full time for the duration
Manage Continuing Education Receive/Review applications Determine Compliance with Statutes and rules Pursue missing/inadequate information Complete and notify of approval Monitor compliance
Manage Agency Budgets Prepare Modify Submit Administer
Establish/conduct meetings Board meetings Complaint panel meetings Rules Committee meetings Staff meetings Other meetings
Personnel Produce position descriptions Post notices of vacancy Interview candidates Make hiring decisions Training Evaluating Conflict Resolution
Finances Establish/maintain Budget Account for and manage income within established accounting principles Account for and manage disbursements within established accounting principles
Contracts Personnel Rent Other contracts
Interact with other stakeholders (Hub of the wheel) Attorney General’s office Administration Employee Relations Budget/Finance Public Governor’s office FCLB (through Fellow)
Act as liaison with public Assist the public with complaint resolution Respond to inquiries regarding doctors license status Respond to other inquiries for information Assist public in locating doctors Work with institutions regarding credentials for applicants
Conduct/manage other governmental functions Legislative Audits Legislative representative Governmental/Regulatory Reports
Manage updates in technology applications Assess/acquire/update hardware installations Assess/acquire/update software applications Manage I.T. challenges Contract/manage licensing system updates
Manage updates in technology applications Act as custodian of records in emerging I.T. framework Provide for permanent technological information storage