The Cadet Protection Policy How CAP Protects You from Harassment, Hazing, and Abuse Part VIII
The Cadet Protection Policy The cadet protection policy is a regulation designed to combat any form of abuse for both cadets and senior members. In addition, the CPP functions as a deterrent to illegal use of alcohol and other drugs.
The Cadet Protection Policy Members are to avoid even the appearance of behavior unbecoming of a CAP member Members exhibiting such behavior are to be reported if any form of abuse takes place
Types of Abuse Sexual Abuse Physical Abuse
Sexual Abuse Cadets will not be subject to sexual molestation, touching, contact, exposure, suggestions, or other incidents of a sexually oriented nature.
Physical Abuse Cadets will not be struck, hazed, or assaulted in any way
Hazing Hazing is any conduct whereby someone causes another to suffer or be exposed to any activity that is cruel, abusive, oppressive, demeaning, or harmful. Civil Air Patrol has a strict policy on hazing
Civil Air Patrol’s Hazing Policy NO CADET IN CIVIL AIR PATROL WILL BE HAZED OR PUT INTO A POSITION TO HAZE ANOTHER CADET. This includes, but is not limited to: – Physical Training as punishment (Push-ups), – individual targeting, such as “I’m a little Tea-pot or Brown Squirrel”, etc.
Reporting Requirements Senior Members, cadets, and parents/guardians should immediately report incidents of observed or suspected abuse to the unit commander of the next highest echelon of command
Personnel Actions Personnel Actions will depend on the severity and the nature of the incident. Options can be, but are not limited to: Reduction in Grade, Suspension of Membership, Termination of Membership, or Non-renewal action for CAP membership
Leadership Standards Every Senior Member must be role model, from the Deputy Commander for Cadets to the Squadron’s administrative officer Senior Members must undergo FBI criminal screening before they are allowed to be CAP members They must be approved by CAP to work with cadets before they may do so, which includes participating in the Cadet Protection Policy Course provided in the Senior Member Membership Packet.
The Commander’s Responsibilities Commanders should be constantly watching for possible violations of the Cadet Protection Policy
Every Commander Should Exercise good judgment when selecting senior members and cadets to supervise cadet activities Encourage members to report any observed or alleged abuse When cadet abuse is alleged or verified, suspend the member from all CAP activities, make immediate notification, and take appropriate personnel actions Ensure that at least two approved CAP senior members are present at all cadet functions. This policy is for the protection of the Senior Members as well as the cadets
Every Commander Should Conduct periodic orientations for senior members to ensure they understand the policies and procedures established in the CPP Spot check signatures on permission slips Provide parents with a calendar of events and notify parents when a scheduled activity is canceled, relocated, or changed Give parents on opportunity to meet senior members by periodically designating meetings as “Parent’s Night” Mail parents a current roster of members who supervise or conduct cadet activities
Parental Involvement Parents should always be involved in the Civil Air Patrol and are often the most effective deterrent against child abuse. Each unit should – Conduct meetings with parents of cadets to discuss child abuse and inform them that CAP is working to prevent such abuse – Require a permission slip for any activity outside of regular squadron meetings
Review Types of Abuse Hazing Civil Air Patrol’s Hazing Policy Reporting Requirements Personnel Actions Leadership Standards The Commander’s Responsibilities Parental Involvement