Ariel Crase
Contributing factors of Holiday Stress: Traveling Lack of Exercise Lack of sleep overeating Chronis Stress can lead to: Obesity Heart Disease Depression Other illnesses
How can the body be kept healthy and limit stress? Herbs Vitamins Yoga exercise Mediation Herbs will be the focus of this presentation
Commonly used in cooking Fresh herbs and herb supplements Boost immune system Relaxation
Used in cooking Oil and leaf Helps combat with: Headaches Coughs Mild Diuretic Good for hair and skin care Use fresh Rosemary in food dishes
Great for in Teas and deserts or in water Helps with Alertness Heart burn Digestion Headaches Can use in form of: Fresh leaf Pure peppermint extract Essential oil( do research first before using)
Contains many healing properties Use it fresh Anti-inflammatory Memory booster Great for reducing
Prevents cold and flu Stimulates and boosts immune system Used internally Tea Extract
Commonly used in teas and in food Great for(Stacy, K.2015): Increase blood circulation Reduces Inflammation Nausea Chills Gas congestion Ginger Tea Cookies Use it fresh( very strong)
Combats against: Inflammatory Insomnia Anxiety Spasms diarrhea Found in Tea Used in children and adults
Reduces stress Combats Depression Insomnia Anxiety Restlessness Lavender can be used form of: Oils- take a bath-diffuser Herbs
Herbs are so beneficial Best way to see results is to use them fresh Supplements Read labels Labels contain warning facts as well as proper dosage Enjoy the holiday season, while staying healthy and stress free
Stacy, K. (2015).11 Herbs and spices for the Holidays. Retrieved From: 11-herbs-and-spices-for-the-holidays.html 11-herbs-and-spices-for-the-holidays.html Henningsen,K.(2011). Holiday Helpers: Immune Strengtheners and Stress Relievers. Retrieved From: rticles/stress/Holiday%20Helpers%20- %20Immune%20Strengtheners%20and%20Stres s%20Relievers.html