1 THE ANDS CONSULTATIONS Kabul, February 14, 2007 In the Name of Allah, The Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful
2 What has been achieved so far in preparation of the ANDS document? I-ANDS prepared and approved by the Cabinet OSC approved the Strategic Work Plan for ANDS preparations Awareness raising activities conducted in most of the provinces ANDS focal points in place at each ministry Induction meetings organized with Civil Society Organizations Public awareness campaign initiated The National Assembly’s Economic Committee briefed on the ANDS The Cabinet, the Cabinet’s Economic Council regularly briefed on the ANDS Donors regularly briefed through the CGs, JCMB, and EAG meetings
3 However, most importantly … The ANDS has institutionalized itself within the Afghan Government: 1.Line ministries are engaged in finalizing their strategies 2.8 CGs, 5 CCCGs, 28 ANDS Working Groups as well as 33 sub- working groups were established and are fully operational 3.Quarterly JCMB and periodic EAG meetings are being organized 4.Provincial governor’s offices strengthened (ASP, PRTs, UNAMA) 5.PDCs were established in different forms in most of the provinces 6.MRRD developed the structure for community consultations 7.The Oversight Committee conducts regular sessions 8.Linkages with the National Assembly were established
4 The ANDS Consultative Process has a long history Initiated on 24 July 2005 when the first ANDS – Civil Society consultations on the I-ANDS took place More than 150 ANDS consultative events at the national and the sub-national have been organized to date ANDS awareness events have already taken place in 27 provinces Civil society has been included in WGs and CGs meetings Communication strategy approved
5 ANDS Consultations National consultations: a)To discuss most important national priorities (macroeconomic framework/projections, fiscal sustainability, strategic partnership) b)Facilitated by line ministries and the ANDS and conducted under the “expanded” CG framework Sub-national consultations: a)To discuss and prioritize provincial development needs and integrate PDPs into the ANDS b)Facilitated by Governors offices and the provincial departments of the line ministries
6 ANDS Consultations: timing First round From April to September 2007 Based on sector strategies To provide sub-national input and ensure that the ANDS will address (integrate) provincial needs Second round From November 2007 to January 2008 Based on the first draft of the ANDS To reach consensus on most important priorities before submitting the ANDS to the Government for approval
7 ANDS Consultations: stakeholders Government: -ANDS and line agencies -National Assembly -Governors Offices, PDCs, PCs, DDCs, CDCs Outside of the Government: -NGOs, Private Sector Associations, Universities, Diaspora -Trade Unions -Donors/UN (CG, WG, PDC, EAG) -Traditional sub-national structures (shuras, etc…)
8 ANDS: Role of the Governors Offices and PDCs Ensure full involvement of the provincial departments Ensure that consultations will take place at the district level and provincial level Ensure that the civil society groups and donors as well as local traditional leaders will be involved in the provincial consultations Ensure full involvement of the PDCs Ensure timely preparation of the PDP Ensure involvement of the PCs in approving the final provincial consultative input to the ANDS (PDP) Ensure that the consultations will be concluded according to the ANDS timeline Reach agreement on the final provincial input to the ANDS (PDP)
9 Role of the MRRD and NGOs Role of the MRRD: Help ANDS consultations in the provinces with the weak PDC Conduct consultations with kuchis (together with the NGOs) Role of the Civil Society: Conduct consultations with ethnic minorities and kuchis Conduct consultations in unstable parts of the provinces Conduct PPA - poverty participatory assessment (ACBAR, and others)
10 Role of UNAMA and other UN agencies To support the consultations by: -Actively support the preparation of the sector strategies -Awareness campaign -Supporting the Governors offices to prepare and run the process of sub- national consultations -Monitoring the process of sub-national consultations (to ensure involvement of civil society members and donors) -Providing logistical support to the members of the ANDS Secretariat in the field No parallel structures outside of the ANDS Coordination through NABP, NRAP, …
11 Integration of the PDPs into ANDS Line ministries and their provincial departments will prepare PDPs in line with sector/provincial budget ceilings approved by the MoF PDCs responsible for prioritization and preparation of the PDPs PCs responsible for final approval of the PDPs Most priority projects from the PDPs will be integrated into the ANDS, the PIP and midterm budget process Funding of the parts of the PDPs will be also addressed through donor external budgets (in coordination with the MoF and PRTs)
12 Next steps: major activities Complete drafts of ministry/agency strategies by end-March 2007 Organize ANDS training for Governors by mid-March 2007 Initiate sub-national consultations by mid-April 2007 Complete sub-national consultations by September 2007 Integrate PDPs into the sector strategies by end-October 2007 Conduct second round of consultations by presenting the First draft of the ANDS to the provinces (from November 2007 to January 2008) Complete the ANDS by March 2007
13 Sub-national Process Governor’s Office (PDC Sec., ASP, UNAMA, MRRD) Provincial Development Committee DDA CDC PRT CSOs NGOs Donors Line MinistriesWorking Groups Consultative Groups and Cross Cutting Thematic Groups JCMB Oversight Committee Depts. Sector Sub-Working Groups Step 1 – Line ministries provide draft ministry strategies to each of the 34 PDC Secretariats for consultations. Outputs Full ANDS/PIP GoA AC Monitoring Budget MTEF Step 2 – PDCs then review the ministry strategies in consultation with all stakeholders. Step 3 – PDCs provide feedback to the Line ministries (in the form of PDP) in line with the budget ceilings provided by Ministry for Finance Step 4 – Line mniistries include provincial priorities into the sector strategies, the ANDS submits to the PDCs first draft of the ANDS for comments PDP National Process Link National and sub-national processes