In the name of God The mouth
The mouth Involved in: Eating Drinking Tasting Speaking Breathing
The mouth From the lips & cheeks To the oropharyngeal isthmus (palatoglossal fold) Division Vestibule (delineated externally by lips& cheeks and internally by dental arches & teeth) Fornix vestibuli Oral cavity proper, bounded by dental arches & teeth Roof (hard & soft palates) Floor of the mouth
Lips Mobile muscular fold Contain: Muscle Vessels Nerves Small salivary glands Covered by: Skin (externally) Mucous membrane (internally); frenulae philtrum
Cheeks Forms lateral movable walls of the oral cavity Contain: muscle, vessels, nerves, fat & buccal glands Covered by skin and mucosa Parotid papilla
Teeth Type Primary (milky or deciduous) erupt at about 6 months to 3 years (20) Secondary (permanent) erupt at 6-21 years (32)
Teeth Primary (milk or deciduous) Incisor Central; 6-8 m, Lateral; 8-10 m, Canine; 16-20m, Molar First; 12-16 m, Second; 20-24 m.,
Teeth Secondary (permanent) - Incisor (cutting edge) Central (7-8 Y) Lateral (8-9 Y) Canine (single cone)(10-12y) Premolar (bicuspids) First (10-11y) Second (11-12 y) Molar (3 or more cusps) First (6-7 y) Second (12 y) Third (13- 25 y)
Teeth Surface Labial or buccal Lingual or palatal Contact Mesial and Distal Occlusal
Teeth Parts Crown Neck Root
palate Separates oral cavity from nasal cavity Consist hard and soft palates
Hard palate Formed by Maxillae and Palatine bones Five foramina are opened Covered by mucosous membrane
Soft palate Formed by muscles and aponeurosis Attached to the posterior border of hard palate
Soft palate Muscles: Tensor veli palatini Levator veli palatini Palatopharyngeus Palatoglossus Uvula
Tongue Is a mobile muscular organ Has three parts Root Body Apex
Tongue Surfaces Dorsum Terminal sulcus Foramen cecum - Anterior two- third Lingual papillae Fungiform Filiform Vallate Foliate
Tongue Posterior one-third Lingual tonsil Median and lateral glossoepiglotic folds Vallecullae
Tongue Inferior surface Frenulum Lingual vein Fimbriated fold
Tongue Muscles Extrinsic: Genioglossus (protrusion) Hyoglossus (depression) Styloglossus (retraction & elevation) Palatoglossus (elevation)
Tongue Muscles Intrinsic Superior longitudinal Inferior longitudinal Transverse Vertical
Lingual Muscles Function Superior: shorten, dorsum concave Inferior: shorten, dorsum convex Transverse: narrows and elongates Vertical: flat, wider
Submandibular gland Superior and inferior to the mylohyoid m. Duct 5 cm Nerves?
Sublingual gland Above mylohyoid, beneath mocous membrane of floor of the mouth Sublingual ducts Nerves??
Parotid gland Situation Duct
Pharynx Behind; nose, mouth & larynx From; cranial base To the; level of C6
Pharynx Musculomembranous Tube,12-15 cm long In front ; incomplete Behind related to the; cervical vertebrae Retropharyngeal space Prevertebral fascia
Pharynx Above; limited by sphenoid & occipital Bones Below; continuous with esophagus
Pharynx Attached to the: Med . Pterygoid plate Pterygomandibular Raphe Mandibule Tongue Hyoid bone Thyroid & cricoid cartilages
Pharynx Divided into : Nasopharynx Oropharynx Laryngopharynx
Nasopharynx Behind post. Nasal aperture Above soft palate Has static wall Separated from oropharynx by pharyngeal Isthmus
Nasopharynx Roof & posterior, sloping part Pharyngeal tonsil Pharyngobasilar fascia
Nasopharynx Floor; upper part of soft palate
Nasopharynx Lateral walls Pharyngotympanic (Auditory or eustachian) opening Tubal elevation Salpingopharyngeal fold
Oropharynx From ; soft palate To; epiglottis open into mouth palatoglossal fold palatopharyngeal fold
palatine tonsil Tonsilar fossa (sinus) Oval lymphoid tissue Size variable / maximum at puberty Medial surface is free & has10-15pits
palatine tonsil Lateral surface Covered by hemicapsular fibrous tissue Tonsilar branch of facial art. External(Paratonsilar) palatine vein (heamorrhage)
palatine tonsil Artery: Tonsilar Ascending palatine Ascending pharyngeal Vein: - Paratonsilar → pharyngeal or facial V.
Waldeyer’s ring Macosa – associated lymphoid tissue Lingual tonsil Palatine tonsil Tubal tonsil Nasopharyngeal tonsil Smaller collection of lymphoid tissue
Laryngopharynx From epiglottis To cricoid cartilage Anteriorly related to the : laryngeal inlet Post. surface of larynx Piriform fossa Each side of inlet Internal larygeal N . Posterioly related to the C3-C6
Muscles Extrinsic Stylopharyngeus From; styloid process To; pharyngeal wall thyroid cartilage Nerve ; glossopharyngeal Action ; elevator
Muscles Extrinsic Salpingopharygeus (salpinx=tube) From, Eustachian tube To ; pharyngeal wall Action ; elevator Palatopharyngeus
Intrinsic (constrictor) muscles Superior From; Hamulus Pterygomandibular raphe mylohyoid line Tongue To; pharyngeal raphe pharyngeal tubercle
Intrinsic(constrictor) muscles Middle From; greater & lesser hyoid horn To, pharyngeal raphe
Intrinsic(constrictor) muscles Inferior From; cricoid & thyroid cartilages To; pharyngeal raphe
Pharyngeal muscles Action; sphincter & Peristaltic action in swallowing.
Arteries of the pharynx Ascending pharyngeal Ascending palatine Tonsilar Maxillary art. Lingual Art. (dorsal brs.)
Veins Pharyngeal plexus Facial Int. jugular
Innervation pharyngeal plexus Sympathetic (SCG) Vagus Accessory Glossopharyngeal Maxillary nerve
Passavant’s sphincter Superior part of sup. Constrictor and palatopharyngeus
Anatomy of swallowing Oral phase Pharyngeal phase Oesophageal phase