LOGO PROJECT Regensburg’s Implementation Plan (Part VI of the Management Plan) Barbara Bühler, City of Regensburg
HerO Midterm-Conference in Valletta | 8th-10th November 2009 I Page 2 I. INTRODUCTION II. IDENTIFYING ISSUES 1. Understanding the historic urban area 2. Stakeholders and Structure III. APPRAISAL 1. Overall vision and objective for the historic urban area 2. Field of actions, their principles, objectives and actions 3. Organisational and operational structures IV. IMPLEMENTATION 1. Action Plan 2. Continuous monitoring and review Objective of the Local Implementation Plan Structure Management Plan LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN “LIP” Part IV of the “CHIMP” is the “Local Implementation Plan” (LIP) which points out concrete actions and projects in support of the sustainable development and management of the historic urban area including costs, time frame, responsibilities, etc. In order to facilitate funding for concrete measures on local level, the LIP should be elaborated in close co-operation with the associated Managing Authority.
HerO Midterm-Conference in Valletta | 8th-10th November 2009 I Page 3 During the elaboration process of the Management Plan, the LSG conjointly identified 6 “Fields of Action”: 1. Built Cultural Heritage 2. Culture and Tourism 3. Economic Development 4. Urban Development and Urban Planning 5. Environmental Issues and Recreation 6. Awareness Raising and Science Structure and Content of the LIP
HerO Midterm-Conference in Valletta | 8th-10th November 2009 I Page 4 Structure and Content of the LIP Done so far: For each of the six „Fields of Action“ we defined principles and objectives Next step: Identification of concrete measures to support these objectives
HerO Midterm-Conference in Valletta | 8th-10th November 2009 I Page 5 Field of Action the measure related to Objective the measure supports Number What is it about? (keyword) Priority Responsible department / institution Structure and Content of the LIP Estimated costs Financing Secured? Funded by (Institution/Programme) Time schedule Link to another objective / measure
HerO Midterm-Conference in Valletta | 8th-10th November 2009 I Page 6 Additional to the LIP table: Extra sheet for high priority measures (1-2 pages) with further information such as - Objective - Brief description - Steps for implementation / Time schedule - expected output - stakeholders to be involved - if required: break down of costs Structure and Content of the LIP
HerO Midterm-Conference in Valletta | 8th-10th November 2009 I Page 7 The next two meetings are dedicated to the elaboration of the LIP: - Analysis / collecting measures - Check: still relevant? - Responsibility - Requirements for implementation - Filling in the table - Check: Is funding secured? Elaboration Process of the LIP LOCAL SUPPORT GROUP
HerO Midterm-Conference in Valletta | 8th-10th November 2009 I Page 8 December 2009: - Information evening - Information desk - PR January 2010: Civic Participation Process Discussion of LIP with the public Participation of all stakeholder groups Elaboration Process of the LIP CIVIC PARTICIPATION
HerO Midterm-Conference in Valletta | 8th-10th November 2009 I Page 9 Recommendations / Lessons learnt Regular information of the political level (City Council) / Approval of important steps and funding for concrete measures Involvement of the public through Civic Participation Process PR activities: - Information during the elaboration process - Presentation of the results to the public