Take charge of your own learning!
English Language Mathematics Integrated Science Chinese Language What can I learn in the SALC? BBC motion Gallery DVD series Animal Explorer World Explorer Science Explorer 中國語文 普通話 語文基礎知識練習 文言閱讀理解練習 閱讀理解練習 聆聽練習 TSA/ 文憑試模擬練習 自學網站(語文遊戲) 自學軟件(粵語正音 、詞彙) 語文運用工作紙 試題(校內前兩年測驗、考試題目) 漢語拼音工作紙 聆聽練習 拼音遊戲 Resource Books Mathematics Exercises for Brilliancy Past Papers (Test/Exam) Clarity Programmes Grammar Exercise Books Past Papers (Test/Exam) Essential Grammar in Use (for S1) Classroom Grammar (for S2 & S3) Tense Buster Active Reading
OPENING HOURS OF THE SALC TEACHERS ON DUTY Opening Hours Mon –Thursday 12:45-1:30 Tuesday 3:30-4:30 Teachers on Duty: Monday Miss Fong (Mathematics & I.S.) Tuesday Miss Cheung Fei-fei (Chi & PTH) Wednesday Miss Khemlani (Eng & Reading) Thursday Mr. Tran
AWARDS FOR SELF-DIRECTED LEARNING Upon completion of a certain number of hours, you will receive the following: 3 hours 6 hours 9 hours ~ a Gel Ink Blue Pen ~ a Plant Wood Ring Notebook ~ a Refillable Correction Tape Prizes for the Award System are limited – so hurry and accumulate your hours in the Self- Access Learning Centre. Offer valid while stocks last!!!
SALC TEAM Language Consultant: Mr. Peter Andrews Team Head: Miss Sujata M. Khemlani Team Member: Miss Fong Lai Miss Cheung Fei-fei Mr. Kent Tran